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Happy St. George's day!

The fish

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Yeah but its more plausable than the freaking Garden of Eden.


Yeah, and you can see why it might have happened as it did-it's survival of the fitest. It's logical. It can, over a span of time, be proved. That is where science totaly, in want of a better word, pwns religion.

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Metaphor my arse! It's all bullshit. And I should know. I go to a Christian-foundation school (only becasue I was garunteed a place as my sister was already there)

A simple way of looking at it is this: science put a man on the moon-religion didn't.

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Yeah, and you can see why it might have happened as it did-it's survival of the fitest. It's logical. It can, over a span of time, be proved. That is where science totaly, in want of a better word, pwns religion.

In my eyes, you're a scientific fanatic. Everybody knows that evolution is the best way to explain everything. Nobody needs you to lay it out for them.

Metaphor my arse! It's all bullshit. And I should know. I go to a Christian-foundation school (only becasue I was garunteed a place as my sister was already there)

A simple way of looking at it is this: science put a man on the moon-religion didn't.

Yes, bravo. Once again you prove your amazing brainial knowledgery.

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A simple way of looking at it is this: science put a man on the moon-religion didn't.


I'm fairly sure that mankind has never been to the moon, but I guess we'll wait and see. My religion believes that God is the moon, overlooking his children as they sleep and when our Earth bodies are separated from our Moon Spirits at death, we fly to the Night Sun and live there for all eternity on God's crater filled paradise.

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No, they have. Have faith in people.


I have faith in people. People have presented good reasons why the moon landing could have been faked. The waving flag, the lighting.


Oooh, ok if evolution IS true


why dont we see monkeys evolve into humans


My religion believes that mankind did not evolve from Monkeys, but Moonkeys placed on this dark sphere at the beginning of time.


All hail the great Moon Good, lord of all Moonslims.

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I have faith in people. People have presented good reasons why the moon landing could have been faked. The waving flag, the lighting.




My religion believes that mankind did not evolve from Monkeys, but Moonkeys placed on this dark sphere at the beginning of time.


All hail the great Moon Good, lord of all Moonslims.


Well, I firmly believe that the Valar bought us here.

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A theory isnt just a wild guess. Its an idea that has substantial evidence to prove its right but cannot be proved 100%. In this case its because we cant go back in time and watch evolution. Find as much proof for religion as there is for evolution and I'll give it a chance.

Back on topic, Happy St. Georges day, its pointless for me but my dad is an ultimate patriot so there flags all over the house.

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Just because there is no wind doesn't mean a flag can't move.

And what lighting?


If there was no wind the flag can't move. Wind, or air, is what moves the flag.


The fact that the first steps on the moon was Neil Armstrong walking towards the camera. Did they just chuck the camera out and hope it would be in the perfect position and be facing in the right direction?

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Guest Jordan

Actually, a while back i saw a tv show about them landing on the Moon. It explained all this stuff to people who don't believed it happend.


The one piece of undeniable truth is that they placed a beacon that sends information back to a lab somewhere in the US thats still sending information to this day that Mr. Armstrong himself put in the ground on the Moon. I pretty much believe it, besides they're planning another lunar landing in a couple of years so i guess we'll see then.


Most of it is covered here:


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Actually, a while back i saw a tv show about them landing on the Moon. It explained all this stuff to people who don't believed it happend.


The one piece of undeniable truth is that they placed a beacon that sends information back to a lab somewhere in the US thats still sending information to this day that Mr. Armstrong himself put in the ground on the Moon. I pretty much believe it, besides they're planning another lunar landing in a couple of years so i guess we'll see then.


Most of it is covered here:



They basically fooled an entire PLANET that they'd landed on the Moon. That's a pretty insane thing to do, I doubt they'd have any trouble sneaking a little beacon up there with today's technology.


The sweaty conspiracy theorist nerds do present some pretty good points, though.



However, let's argue another time. Leave this thread for it's original purpose and whatnot.

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Fish, you've got to keep open-minded. Sticking to your absolutes will be your undoing. I'm sat here defending Christianity, I'm not a Christian - I believe the Church has value - and sure, I struggle to believe that any portion of the Bible actually occured, but I believe it has value. I am not a fan of anti-homosexuality or any such literal interpretation of the Bible, or the pro-lifers, or God-led war, but as a tool for learning, as an illustration of 'good', there's value to be had.

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