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RE: I am Scared of the Revolution.....


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Guys, it's so much easier just to ignore ZeldaFreak (like i'm doing).


Then we can get back to concentrating on gaming, instead of correcting his stupid, stupid 'facts'.


Well well do you know the defination of a fact:


Knowledge or information based on real occurrences


Right how do you, Nintendo will triumph this next generation I am being to speculate of the future of all gaming companies in the industry both in hardware and in software.


So there actually not fact but speculative arguments of the future.

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Geez... Could you please shut up?? All of you! jesus....


of course awe don't have real facts, and that's a one of the best things about all this. Speculate is great, but you guys are overreacting. And don't turn an opinion into a fact. This is valid for all of you.

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I am not afraid. Simple as.


We can already see that the Rev has more 3rd party support than the GCN EVER did. I think the controller is one of the bravest steps made in the industry in a long time and deserves support unlike the EyeToy or any other such peripheral for this reason:


It is a more intuitive device as opposed to one that makes your gaming experience realistic or immersive. Not saying that it doesn't do these things but intuition was the reasoning behind the design. It opens a lot of doors to developers while closing very few while inspiring new ideas and creative thinking. It is a totally outside of the box move. Bravo.

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