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Arghhh! I need a mac

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Windows XP crashes very VERY rarely, and if it does, it's my fucking fault, and I learn a little bit.


I have no beef with Macs, but they're stupidly overpriced imo. Yes all you Mac'ers will rise up in protest saying stuff like you get software and the OS with that, but check this:


(20:01:20) <RoadKi||> man apple even want to sell you a 9800 Pro for £219

(20:01:34) <RoadKi||> or a fucking budget 9200 for £99.95


<RoadKi||> Apple want to sell you a 20" widescreen for £549

<RoadKi||> Dell will sell you the same thing with a different body fro £406

<RoadKi||> same res and almost certainly more features


<RoadKi||> they want to sell you a 5 metre DVI cable for £109


I'm sure that these prices are correct, that roadie wasn't pulling them out of his vodka-filled arse. Didn't check though :)


Any company charging that much for a 9800 Pro is just plain wrong.

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Windows XP crashes very VERY rarely, and if it does, it's my fucking fault, and I learn a little bit.


I have no beef with Macs, but they're stupidly overpriced imo. Yes all you Mac'ers will rise up in protest saying stuff like you get software and the OS with that, but check this:


(20:01:20) <RoadKi||> man apple even want to sell you a 9800 Pro for £219

(20:01:34) <RoadKi||> or a fucking budget 9200 for £99.95


<RoadKi||> Apple want to sell you a 20" widescreen for £549

<RoadKi||> Dell will sell you the same thing with a different body fro £406

<RoadKi||> same res and almost certainly more features


<RoadKi||> they want to sell you a 5 metre DVI cable for £109


I'm sure that these prices are correct, that roadie wasn't pulling them out of his vodka-filled arse. Didn't check though :)


Any company charging that much for a 9800 Pro is just plain wrong.


People say that £210 for an iPod is too much, but look how much they've sold. They're obviously doing something right.

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The iPod isn't THAT overpriced, but some of their other things clearly are.


If you want to check my source, it was the apple.com/uk store. Do it yourself before you retaliate.

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I've got a beautiful G5, a still beautiful but older G4 and a P4 Dual 3ghz.


They are yummy side by side.

Everyone should work their ass off beta testing for £14an hour then buy a G5 and super pc like I did :)

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