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Atomic Boo

Aboriginal Art

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learning about aboriginal art in textiles class at school (we're making crappy cushion covers with an aboriginal influence) and we were asked to do some research on it, and i really like the type of art they make. its totally different to what we consider art but i think its great.

here are a few examples from a straight forward google search(sorry about size differences):




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..the first one would mane one hell of an f1 circuit.. and if you love roundabouts you'll love the second..

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I wouldn't mind wrapping them around my school jotters (lol) but na, not as a carpet or wall paper if you know what I mean :heh:

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odd... i would probably hang one on my wall


then take it down and burn it

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I remember seeing some abrigional statues during a visit to the Brittish Museum in London (well worth a visit) - they were absolutely rocking. Maybe not quite as rocking as the erotic busts of teenage Queen Victoria, but still awesome.

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Yeah we talked about the difference of early european colonial art compared to aboriginal art last semester quite a bit. It's interesting how the different of perspectives of the two cultures of the land influenced their artwork. On one hand you have european art that had basically been focused on representing the real for a few hundred years, and then the aboriginies who never even thought of trying to replicate the real in paint or whatever. In a sort of way they jumped the gun on the whole impressionist/cubist movement by about 30,000 years.

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