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GTA won't make the Revolution.

Okami looks amazing..


Ultimately it's the gems that invent new ideas that i'm most excited about with Revolution..


Spore looks freaky cool, shame it's an EA game.

I wouldn't rule it out...

If Nintendo themselves start making more "adult" games, like the new Zelda, Metroid Prime 3 and Penant Chase Baseball, and maybe something else, Nintendo'll get rid of that kiddy image!


Your definition of adult games is slightly obscure.. you should listen to the 4CR podcast on 'mature gaming' they try to define it knowing Revolution will have it.


I see adult games as Cooking Mama, Music games, Fishing, Drumming.. classic games they used to play as a kid.. Deep stories, casual games like Brain Trainer, Nintendogs and Maybe Phoenix Wright.


I see GTA, Zelda, Metroid and Baseball as more of a kids games.. regardless of age rating.




I see what you mean Raven, I dug up an interview where he said it will go to PC, but there will be 2 spin offs for handhelds which will be based on parts of the game.. it wont be a port so to speak but it will satisfy his creative intentions.


So he said how he could concentrate on making the beast sections of the game as broad as possible.


Rumours are out there of 360 releases from the heads at Microsoft, and Revolution from forums and speculation.. I think a cross platform release for all 4 platforms would be quite likely, with the PSP or more likely than the DS getting the spin offs he mentioned.


Counter strike source

Black 2

Half life Episode one (and HL2)

Unreal Turnament

Battle field 2

Tekken / soul calibour

Resident evil 5


Final fantasy 7 Remake

[Halo 3 :P]

Your definition of adult games is slightly obscure.. you should listen to the 4CR podcast on 'mature gaming' they try to define it knowing Revolution will have it.


I see adult games as Cooking Mama, Music games, Fishing, Drumming.. classic games they used to play as a kid.. Deep stories, casual games like Brain Trainer, Nintendogs and Maybe Phoenix Wright.


I see GTA, Zelda, Metroid and Baseball as more of a kids games.. regardless of age rating.




Didn't you see the quotationmarks? That means that I don't think one game's more childish than another! It means that I'm using THEIR (the "cool kids'") definition.

  • 1 month later...

I really want Namco on the Rev so much for a really good 'Tales of' game or a really good RPG.I also want to see really good SEGA games because I love Sonic and I really want a Phantasy Star


Sonic Rush on the DS shows that Sega can do impressive things with Nintendo hardware. I would like to see them try to do something special with the Revolution controller. Sonic? Super Monkey ball? Don't mind. Just be creative, Sega!


Yea I loved Phantasy Star I spent 700+ hours on it.I think it was Capcom that made Powerstone.I'd like a really creative SEGA game,could be really good.Also want to see Capcpm and Koei on the Revolution aswell.Dynasty would be pretty good on the Revolution I think.

Yea I loved Phantasy Star I spent 700+ hours on it.I think it was Capcom that made Powerstone.I'd like a really creative SEGA game,could be really good.Also want to see Capcpm and Koei on the Revolution aswell.Dynasty would be pretty good on the Revolution I think.

700+ hours :shock: :P It must of been a GREAT game. I hope it's released on the Revolution and it could be my first Phantasy Star game. Then i could Top your 700+ hours of gameplay :lol:

And yeah Dynasty would go good with the Revolution.


I stopped playing because my memory card got corrupted,I would of spent more on my character.I seriously almost cried when that happened I spent so long on him,after that it wasn't the same again.It was still a great game and i'm tempted to go back online with it.


I wan't see Remedy's new game Alan Wake on Revolution. But I'dont think that's gonna happen :(. Sad beceouse that game sounds and looks cool and I think it's going to be big hit when it arrives.

I wan't see Remedy's new game Alan Wake on Revolution. But I'dont think that's gonna happen :(. Sad beceouse that game sounds and looks cool and I think it's going to be big hit when it arrives.

ahh reminded me about that one, one game i really need.

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