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Sony's Revolution Killer...


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For me, the main reason why sony or microsoft can't just copy the revo controller is that any new controller they release will be deemed an "accessory" to the base console rather than the primary controller. As we have seen in the past games that use specific accessories (eye toy, bongos etc) aren't as prevalent as the games that just use the default controller because developers don't want to reduce their potential audience to those that have the accessory. Where revolution succeeds is by having the "accessory" as the default controller, leading to no decrease in the potential audience so the developer is free to use the features of the controller to the full in all games.

It will be interesting to see the direction sony and microsoft take with their next consoles in 5-6 years time, i guess the direction will depend on what the public make of the latest batch of consoles. If the revo really takes off, i imagine the next ps controller will look pretty much the same as it always has, but will have an integrated motion sensor like the current revo controller.

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I totally agree with the above post. If Nintendo didnt make the "motionthingypointingdevice" their main controller, there wouldnt be any Revolution.


But I also have to say that even Nintendo expects their competitors to follow their path, and "copy" their ideas. I hereby present you with this evidence, an interview with Perrin Kaplan. Read at the bottom.



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Like Nintendo don't steal ideas. I remember Nintendo banging on about how the DS wasn't a multimedia machine, and how it cheapened the PSP. And now it's getting a damn web-browser.

And DS isn't a multimedia machine you aren't forced to pay more for it because it doesn't have all those added functions, if you want them buy them seperatky.

This is probably bull anyway.

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They need to grow a Reggie from a foetus to work on the PS4.

Dont give them any ideas.... the last thing that Nintendo needs is to find that Sony has stolen the reggie-patent. then Sony would make an army of Reggie-bots to act on their behalf...

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People are getting worked up for no reason. A good idea will always be implemented by competitors, simply because consumers will eventually expect it to be standard and you are only hurting your product by not having it.


Next in sony's defense they patented their eyetoy wand way back in 2004. Its not something they cooked up after TGS. If they want to use it they have a right to.


As has already been said they dont pack eyetoys in with their PS2's which makes this strategy a lot harder not to mention that in all likelihood it wont be as accurate as the rev controller.


Its an intruiging strategy to say the least, but if true only serves to further highlight sony's arrogance if they believe they can call it a revolution killer


They should pack in their next-gen eyetoys with the PS3, but they probably wont do that, which in the long run will likely end up being their loss

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remember a few months ago those brilliant pictures that popped up here, all along the lines of "what nintendo create, sony take"? all very clever mocked-up pictures of a sony FHC, and i think this is just another little joke and i wouldn't worry about it. yes sony are probably worried at the minute about nintendo but i don't think it's limited to the controller. there's the extremely low development costs, the DS's success, the new features the DS is receiving, and the phenomenal success of the wifi connection, so i wouldn't worry too much about this little "story".


as for the comment about the DS getting the internet browser and nintendo's original comment about how all the additional features of the PSP watered it down. i think ninty can still stand by that. with a touch screen and mic input the potential was always there for further applications. nintendo's point back then was that sony were throwing all their eggs into one basket, with a lot of applications that were all mediocre is design and implementation as sony spread its work over so much for one device from the word "go". with the DS, nintendo have been taking it one step at a time, proving its worth first as an innovative new gaming device that can pull in new audiences, then as a powerful and successful wifi gaming hub, and now they can concentrate on each new application giving each one the attention they deserve.


the end result will be a machine with each new application kicking sony's rushed attempts in the butt.. and taking their names, naturally!

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yep that's the one lol! that was genius! :D i think this "new" "story" is something along the same lines that has gotten outta hand.


and you've turned into a "frequent poster" my friend :)


The new story is based on truth there is actually a wand for the eyetoy, it was patented in 2004.

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The new story is based on truth there is actually a wand for the eyetoy, it was patented in 2004.



surely a bigger issue is that the FHC for the rev is integral to the machine and the hardware is designed for the input.


using the FHC will not therefore result in huge decreases in the power availible to make games.


there's a reason why all eye toy games are ropey party game efforts - the eye toy uses a huge chunk of ps2 power.


not so with revolution.


even if sony do steal some of nitendos ideas, their execution is likely to be power, then.


also - sony have had the eye-toy out for years and they've hardly caused the sort of change you'd expect from such a fundamental change in usage or gameplay.


also, thirdparties haven't had a clue what to do with it, resulting in tons of eye-toy play rip offs.


finally ey-toy does not have any of the subtlety of the rev controller and WILL NOT provide anything like a comparable experience. The FHC can detect pitch, rotation, tilt, distance from the screen... etc etc etc. the eye toy can only dectect movement on a 2D 'plane' in front of the screen.


sony may try to market it as being similar... but it will not work because the experienc eis fundamentally different.

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when i look at a pictures like that , for the first 15 or so seconds im like (hahah .. yep ) but then right around the 20 second mark , i get this sic feeling in my stomach , and i get these pictures flashin in my head (they only last a second or two but its like before you die and your WHOLE life flashes before yuor eyes). except its not my life instead , its memories of everytime and way sony stole ideas from nintendo in the past and how its done nothing but put them on top and push nintendo down . funny picture , scary too...........

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