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My Online Portfolio Site - Feedback pls?


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Finally got my online portfolio into a state now that I'm willing to share it with people.


Wondering if I can get some crits if possible? But considering this is no professional forum, then I'm not too sure decent responses would happen.


There's still a few niggles that need sorting, like the banner on the left refreshes the main frame to the start page, but it doesn't refresh the second menu frame to the blank document which the website originally loads with.


So if anyone's got any idea how to make a hyperlink refresh two target frames then it would be uber helpful?


I'm kind of looking for feedback if the overall design works at all and looks neat. The CSS coding also needs tweaking at this stage as some fonts really drag the site style down.


oh yeah, and it's located at www.passive-reactions.com


Cheers for goosing! :smile:

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The layout is very nice. Did you design all that yourself? The concept of an online portfolio is pretty neat.

It was actually a college assignment, as we had to kind of display our stuff online because it's ment to be professional and all that.


I produced the design myself, but that was after doing research on other artists portfolio's as to what works and what doesn't. But after looking round the class in the first few weeks of the assignment I could just see everyone putting together generic ideas/websites that didn't have a hint of identification to them, so that was kind of when I decided to add the whole notepad with the work appearing on the page.


It's pretty nice, very interesting works . Although, the huge sidebar on the left isn't too friendly with my resolution 1024x768. As Guy said, it's a really neat idea; an online portfolio.

I've had some problems with display issues on different resolutions, but 1024x768 seems to display best. And I definetly agree with your opinion on the sidebars being far too big, but I tried my best to reduce them without screwing the text. Originally I had frames opening in frames, but then it started to get complicated with the coding and I wasn't keeping track of things.


It's pretty much my first website which I've made (ignoring my banjo-kazooie fansite when I was 13), so I kind of think I did an alright job. But it can def be improoved.


Cheers for the encouraging comments guys. :smile:

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I'm not really fond of anything, apart from the idea of creating the note-pad looking content section.


You've rotated the header counter-clock-wise 90 degrees, and placed it on the left-hand side. That means you're forcing the viewer to tilt their head, in order to see it. Which isn't really great.


Also, the font's you've selected for the Header aren't really attractive either. I think you're better off revising them, and picking out better suited ones.


The background and overall colour scheme, is pretty bland. Try spicing things up.


And lastly. The navigational menu, is split up too much. -- Bring all of the options together.

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Thanks for the reply tie.nano. The biggest problem I feel is definitely the fonts, they easily need the most work.


I'm not too keen on moving the banner down the side to top, but if a font change would help it be quicker to read then I'm all for that.


The menu is a no-brainer really. It is far too big, and with the banner it takes up about a third of the screen on 1024x768.


The background colours were just quickly added, and not alot of thought went into if they worked or not. But if you have any colour schemes you feel I should test then please let me know, as I'm abit stuck as to what colours I should edit to.


It's good to hear that the notepad presentation gets the firm thumbs up from all though. :smile:

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Hey mate, good effort for having a go. I've just been off to Bournemouth for an interview so I've got my portfolio head on. I'll just comment on content for the moment:


Firstly, there is no indication of what you're about. What do you wanna do? You've got this work for lots of different areas but I don't know which one you wanna do.


I know it's a work in progress but if you don't have the content to put in then don't give it a heading (in your 3D section for example). It just makes it feel a unfinished.


On the work front, I would suggest working some rough sketches with annotations and stuff then working into a big piece that has lots of visual detail and depth. Good to see you're getting lotss of life drawing in there, keep it up cos it's vital for lots of things but if you are doing them under time constraints then mention it.


I'm with Tie on the notepad idea but you need to carry that theme into your menu too.

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Yeah, like I said, it was initially a college assignment, but I plan to carry on with it and refine it so I can use it and update in the future.


I didn't put much thought into explaining what I'm about and all that, as you can see from the opening page. I'll try and edit that up abit, as that does seem pretty vital tbh.


I went back to the drawing board (well PS), and kind of made a mock up of the notepad design being carried over to the menu like a few of you have said.


Here's the quick design. The problem is that once I'm using one frame for navigation, then people can't get to a certain place by only clicking one link like they can at the moment.




And Jamba, add me up on msn if you want (my address is in profile), so we can discuss uni stuff. I've now got conditionals with Tees, Portsmouth, Huddersfield, and currently awaiting a reply from Derby.

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Oh nice one mate... I've got a conditional from Tees (practically unconditional really). I'll be hearing from Bournemouth in a week or two. Have you had a look at Tees yet? I'm going up for an open day on the 1st cos I need material so I can decide were I want to go but hey.

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Oh nice one mate... I've got a conditional from Tees (practically unconditional really). I'll be hearing from Bournemouth in a week or two. Have you had a look at Tees yet? I'm going up for an open day on the 1st cos I need material so I can decide were I want to go but hey.

Nope I have yet to go to an open day, and like you I've been invited up there on the 1st March. I'm probably going to travel up there by car with some college mates, as others have also applied and got conditional offers.

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spence.offal.co.uk, my site hasn't got any proper photos on it though.. just some lame flickr stream.


i don't have the web expertise to implement a proper photo gallery.


i like the site though, put quite a lot of effort into it. clean lines, nice and simple.


yours needs the fonts tidying up, presentation is the first 49%.. you want it to be easy to read flowing and ultimately professional. keep the stylish fonts and work on the right and keep it uber modern on the right.


nice contrast will really bring out your work I think.

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