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I didn't even realise this was possible? Is this an actual 3d hologram? it looks like he is on a projecting platform on the stage, but.. this is pretty impressive imo... I've seen a still hologram in the past but didn't realise we'd gotten to a stage where a 3d moving hologram can be projected in real time, and again, not with that sort of clarity.

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I read 'hard-left' as 'hard-light' and thought instantly of Rimmer.


Those kind of holograms are quite popular - did you not see Tupac? And they were using old footage with that one, so were limited on resolution. When you're making one from scratch, presumably you can go as high as you want.


I'd be surprised if it was truly real-time though. I reckon the hologram was prerecorded, as it would be hard to film him on stage giving another speech without the 3D cameras getting in the way...


...still, pretty cool!

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It's certainly possible in real time: http://musion.com/telepresence/


I don't believe you'd need 3D cameras as the projection in this case would have just been a flat one, it's not like you need to create a multi-dimensional image because people wouldn't be seeing it from behind, but that's just conjecture.


Those are the guys that did Tupac and I can remember when we went to see them they said they did some stuff for the Gorillaz too (which shows how long ago it was I went...)

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