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15 hours ago, Ike said:

Eh, unless i missed something they didn't really say anything specific.

Every combatant in this gauntlet is in love with someone. Tharja, Rhajat and Katarina are obsessed with the respective player characters (Robin, Corrin, Kris), Catria and Faye are in love with Marth and Alm respectively, Dorcas and Sigurd are happily married... and Priscilla, in her home game, only ever shows deep affection for Raven.

The incestuous undertones were already there (she keeps reminding Raven of a make-belief marriage proposal, her support with Lucius reeks of jealousy, and she even asks him if her brother thinks she's cute), but they could still be interpreted as ambiguous, or ignored entirely, but now IS has put her in a group explicitly defined by romantic-love-towards-one-person-in-particular. They could've picked anybody else (Caeda, Abel, Cordelia, Leon, etc.), but they went with the girl who has a one-sided crush on her own brother.

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1 hour ago, Jonnas said:

Every combatant in this gauntlet is in love with someone. Tharja, Rhajat and Katarina are obsessed with the respective player characters (Robin, Corrin, Kris), Catria and Faye are in love with Marth and Alm respectively, Dorcas and Sigurd are happily married... and Priscilla, in her home game, only ever shows deep affection for Raven.

The incestuous undertones were already there (she keeps reminding Raven of a make-belief marriage proposal, her support with Lucius reeks of jealousy, and she even asks him if her brother thinks she's cute), but they could still be interpreted as ambiguous, or ignored entirely, but now IS has put her in a group explicitly defined by romantic-love-towards-one-person-in-particular. They could've picked anybody else (Caeda, Abel, Cordelia, Leon, etc.), but they went with the girl who has a one-sided crush on her own brother.

You make it sound like there's something wrong with that. :sad:

...I mean, sure, Priscilla's love towards her brother is... rather unhealthy for a number of reasons, but I wouldn't say that the incest is one of them, really. (Then again, I wouldn't say that, now would I... still picking blue on all my free summons in the hopes of eventually getting an Ephraim to pair up with my Eirika, ahaha...)

Anyways... Priscilla lost, as expected, so I switched over to Team Dorcas! Was hovering between him and Sigurd for a while, but then I saw this masterpiece by Dorcas's (and Arden's) illustrator:



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So cool to see some of the people involved with this game get so passionate about it. First that Owain/Narcian support from their voice actor, and now Dorcas' artist campaigning for him. Good thing, too, I like his style, and I hope he gets to do more characters.

Of course, that image of Dorcas in a modern suit is amazing.

EDIT: Holy shit, seeing the comment thread for that tweet, not only do I see he drew Athos for the card game, but he also just drew this...



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The second Choose Your Legends vote has begun! This is a good chance to vote for characters you'd like to see in the game, or characters that you'd love to see get a Brave variant. This event will only have 7 days, though.

Hector and Tibarn will be getting votes from me. As for the remaining 5... I need to think about it a bit.

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6 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Woot! Got Micaiah on the last day :yay: It took me to 4,75%, and I used almost every free orb I had, but it was worth it.

...And of course, now is when L'Arachel lands.

And is that... a Brave Eirika? :o


I was surprised to see we're getting another Erika, especially while the Choose your Legends is going on since you can still vote for her.

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Lucky you. I've spent the orbs I had and still nuthin'.

Meanwhile, IS has released midterm results for the CYL2 vote (keep in mind there are still 3 more days of voting):


You can tell it's mostly FEH players voting here. Not only did the original characters score pretty well, Reinhardt is obscenely high on the ranking. Also, I'm pretty sure Kliff's up there thanks to strategic voting (he's the only Echoes villager not in the game).

Nevertheless, some nifty surprises there, like Nino, Ryoma, Leif, Lilina and Sigurd scoring unusually high. It's uncanny how little presence Awakening has on this poll.

Me, I can't wait for Brave Hector :grin:

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Unless I counted wrong these are the tallies for each game with representation:

Shadow Dragon = 1
Echoes = 4
Mystery of the Emblem = 1
Genealogy = 1
Thracia 776 = 2
Binding Blade = 1
Blazing Blade = 4
Sacred Stones = 3
Radiant Dawn = 2
Awakening = 7
Fates = 10
Heroes= 4

Path of Radiance got no votes in the vote 20 for either gender (although Mia sorta counts for both PoR and RD?).

Eirika and Myrrh got into the top 20 and got new units during the voting.

A little surprised Dorcas and Wrys, 2 meme characters, didn't make it.

Voted for Canas for my last vote even looks like chances of him getting in are slim.

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I'm so happy that Myrrh has been added to the game, but with a new Legendary Heroes focus arriving in just a few days and a new Special Heroes focus a week after that, I'm trying my best to resist the temptation of throwing all of my orbs at her... Don't know how long I'll be able to wait, though, so hopefully we'll get more info about those new Heroes soon...

Here's my Battle Ballot for CYL2, by the way:


I was considering throwing all of my votes at li'l Tiki, but figured Nino deserved some votes, too. She's always doing her best, after all. (and it's nice knowing that at least some of my votes mattered, lol)

Also, I'm really happy that Ephraim is doing so well! The regular Ephraim has evaded me for so long, but Brave Ephraim will be mine! ...In about half a year. Assuming we get another free pick. And assuming he stays in top 2.

...My Eirika is so lonely...

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I mean... I'm super happy about Veronica shooting up to second place so we don't get a 4th Camilla variant, but... now I'll have to choose between Ephraim and Veronica! D: 

(Maybe they'll make it easy for me by making one of them a green... then I'd definitely pick that one so I don't have to suffer through more green summons... And again, this is assuming they'll even give us another free pick. Who knows?) 

Legendary Ike is cool, by the way. Especially because I'm not too interested in getting him, so I can save my orbs for Myrrh. Now if they could just tell us who the next Special Heroes are... Hopefully they'll reveal them a couple of days in advance, at least. 

Also >mfw they announce a cool new rhythm(music?)-based gamemode called ILLUSORY DUNGEON and there's still no sight of characters from the rather heavily music-focused game that's literally all about illusory dungeons... 


...Though it is being released at the same time as the new Special Heroes... C-could it be...? Should I allow myself to get my hopes up......?

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I got Ike!... Regular Ike, that is :heh: I was aiming for Sigurd and he showed up instead.

The CYL 2 poll was quite the surprise! Veronica snagging 2nd place, Marth getting screwed out of his own second place... Lots of drama. And yet, I couldn't help but notice that Tibarn came in 23rd in the men's poll! If the vote wasn't split, him, Soren and Ranulf would've all placed above Kliff. Above the likes of Kaden and Panne. Now that's a pleasant surprise.

By the way, they opened a second vote: whoever wins that ballot will become a free unit. I'll be voting for Vanguard Ike (and since I get a free wallpaper for everyone I vote for, I'll try to vote for good artwork all around), but feel free to vote for a unit you'd like to get for free. I imagine Hector and season-exclusive units will place highly, but who knows?.

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Poured a lot of orbs into this banner. Got Lilina, which is pretty cool... and a pity-breaker Nowi :blank: I honestly don't know if I'll keep summoning, but I really want that Hector and Lyn!

Also, that Paralogue was surprisingly heart-warming. And funny ("I brought a present! Eliwood brought a prop stick. Hector, what did you bring?" "Armads.")

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