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Skullgirls 2nd Encore is almost here! The game will officially be released in all SCEE territories in just three weeks, on 22nd July!


For those who haven’t been keeping up, 2nd Encore is the ultimate edition of Skullgirls, containing:


All DLC characters included

Fully voiced story modes

New Challenges

New Trials

New Survival Mode

Cross-play with the PS3 and PS Vita releases

PlayStation 3 fightstick support

Full platinum trophy set


On top of that, if you needed another incentive, Skullgirls 2nd Encore is Cross-Buy – buying the PS4 version will get you the PS Vita release, and vice versa. The PS Vita version will be out a little later this summer.


At launch PlayStation Plus members will get a 20% discount, as well as a swanky PS4 theme!


Source - PlayStation.Blog.Europe


Heard good things about Skullgirls. It did have bad sales, though, if I remember correctly.


I always liked what I played on one of Steam's free weekends, but the game's lack of content always put me off buying it. If the Encore version ever comes to PC, I think it'll be right up my alley.

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