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64/32 bit graphics style?


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But is re-evaluating right? By today's standards, any FPS on the N64 would probably look and play like stuttery shite. I remember Goldeneye being great fun to play back in the day, and that's all that matters, right?


It's not a matter of whether it's right, it's that we just do re-evaluate for most things. The things that tend to be most enshrined in our memory are things that we did have very emotional early experiences with, and we don't want any progress in our intelligence or knowledge to interfere with them. If someone came to you today and asked you to refer them to the "best" FPS available today, would you recommend them Goldeneye or Perfect Dark? If you did, that person would be entirely certain you'd puffed purple before you made that recommendation. By contrast, if someone came to you to ask you for a good action adventure game, you likely wouldn't bat an eyelid in recommending Super Metroid or Link to the Past, and rightly so; those games are, in design terms very well put together (if you want me to substantiate this further, I will). That's the way I look at the situation.


Then again, games are still an art medium. Who am I to say you should read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn instead of Stephenie Meyer?

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But in saying that you're not taking into account the time at which it was released and how much of an achievement it was then. I wouldn't expect you to recommend Goldeneye to people these days, but at the same time I don't think you should call a game crap because it's now outdated. I think game quality / merit should be judged on how entertaining it was at the time. Otherwise most games would progressively be considered worse with time, which just doesn't feel right.


Some games definitely stand the test of time better, I agree. But I don't think change in expectations and perception should cause is to mentally re-score games that gave us a heck of a lot of entertainment and wowed us back then.

Edited by Sheikah
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Tragic magic. I take it you also live in a shitsled. A burner bonzo. A methmobile.


@Sheikah That's fair enough, I guess we just look at games differently. I subject games to the same standards that I do film and literature, where age doesn't ever mean obsolescence. For the record, my complaint with those games isn't a technological one, it's to do with level, weapon and control design.

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