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Kinect Sports Rivals


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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was a big fan of the original game and decided to pick this up today, despite the average reviews. I'm glad I did.


You start by scanning yourself into the game. This creates a cartoon version of you and for me it was pretty accurate. When you scan your face it's crazy how accurate it is. You get to play around with it a bit and is very like the Mario 64 starting screen. Instead of pulling on Mario's face you are actually making the faces yourself, while the digital version copies you.


Presentation wise the game is really colourful, just like the original game. The loading times can be a pain though and considering these type of games are built around local/party play, it could be a bit of a buzz kill.


I spent most of the time on the tennis and the shooting game. The tennis really gave me a work out as you have to move left and right as well as making your shots.


I'm looking forward to putting more time into it.

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