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Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)


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I've just finished this as well.


Woah, I thought that we would get some answers at the end, but instead we just got more questions. What's happening on Mira? The Ganglions seemed to know something about what's going on, and probably Elma does too. But they explained nothing! I have of course lots of missions to do still, but I would be surprised if they explain everything in side quests. It looks more like we'll get a sequel to me.


EDIT: I've just been reading in an ign thread, and


dang, I'm not allowed to post URLs yet. I googled 'xenoblade chronicles x unexplained', it was the first hit (it's an ign thread called 'Xenoblade Chronicles X: Explaining the Unexplained').


First thing that surprised me: the user giving the info says that it comes from two books about the game published in Japan. So either the game is a lot shorter than they first intended (to be honest, if I had not been of blade level 10 for some time already I would have thought that chapter 12 was right in the middle of the game), or there is a sequel coming.


For the amount of hints that sidequests give, I'm hoping that we will get a sequel for NX. I would love that, and reading the info from the books in the ign thread got me even more hyped :grin: looks like the sidequests in this game don't explain much else of the story by the way.


Also, has anyone played previous Xeno games? Does that give any insight on the possibility of a sequel?




So, even though I didn't like the game as much as Wii's Xenoblade (I prefer storydriven games), and it felt like not much happened, the ending got me excited with the idea of a XCX2 for the NX. It might just be Matrix 3 all over again though, crushing hopes and theories.




So my impressions of the game: I was hoping for a similar game to XC, but this one is very different, as the previous posts in this thread explain. The ending got me excited though, as I explain above, and I will keep playing a bit more. It took me about 109h.

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  • 2 months later...

So, finally I'm getting around to playing this! Loved the Wii game but just haven't found the time for this one until now! I've only done the first few chapters so far (got to the point where I pick my division) but surprised at just how different this feels to the previous game despite the mechanics being pretty much the same short of long/melee range weapon switching. Also the beginning is very slow paced so feel like I've only just started to actually play the game. So far though I can see me enjoying this, the only thing that I have found disappointing so far is the music, which to my ears isn't anywhere close to the standard of the Wii title (of course I'm open to the fact that there could be some great music to come as I'm only just starting out)



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So far though I can see me enjoying this, the only thing that I have found disappointing so far is the music, which to my ears isn't anywhere close to the standard of the Wii title (of course I'm open to the fact that there could be some great music to come as I'm only just starting out)


Yeeeeaaahhh... About that...


OK. That audio atrocity is just a small example of how to get an RPG soundtrack horrendously wrong. I can overlook boring music, I can even be entertained by slightly dodgy music (Mostly because it's funny), but the music in Xenoblade Chronicles X is so off base, I'm amazed they let it in.


Dodgy grunts, out-of-place raps (Yes, raps) and way too many vocals, this game has a whole truckload of ways to offend your ears.

Look, I've got nothing against rap, but it just doesn't fit in this game and it's not even good rap to begin with. The 20% of the soundtrack that doesn't have a person serenading you with cringe is OK, but it's lost in the sheer awfulness of it all.

Just get ACE+ to do the soundtrack next time, 'kay, Monolith Soft?


I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Game's still decent and I hope you enjoy it.

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Oh dear, really that bad? Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii had an awesome soundtrack, how could they get it so wrong this time!


Well, simply put, it's not the same people who did the music in the Wii game.

They got some guy who normally does music for TV shows, I believe.

It really shows.

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This game has really struggled to catch my attention much, but I've ploughed on through it when I can. Had the game for nearly a year and nowhere near close to completing it, only just beat Chapter 6 and completed the Skell License Test.


It's on hold at the moment as something to complete at a later date once Golden Sun and Pokemon Moon are finished.

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