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Help with Japanese translation?


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I know a few people on here know a bit of Japanese, and i was wondering if anyone was competent enough to do a small favour for me.


Basically there is a scientific paper that i have for my PhD, which is in Japanese....i think, it might have some Chinese thrown in.


I don't need the whole thing translated, i just need a bit of information from it.


The paper is here, and what i need to know is what they used to make their rough disks rough. I.e did they use sandpaper, grooves cut into the disk, etc. As much info about this as possible!


Any help possible would be appreciated! Thank you!

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Got 2 and a half years experience of Japanese and my god there' a shit load of kanji I can't read there. It doesn't help that I don't know much about the subject in English, nevermind another language.


Sorry dude! I looked around for an actual text format version of the article so I could at least go through it with no luck.

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That's ok, again, thanks for trying. I realise how difficult it must, i have enough trouble reading academic papers when they're in English!


My girlfriend has a friend in Japan who she skypes with occasionally, so i might try her and see if she can help.

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