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Dr Kawashima's Devilish Brain Training: Can You Stay Focused?


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On the NintendoLife website this story of lateness is written up as a rumour, maybe an educated rumour, but it's still only speculation. Don't believe idle gossip until it's proven, beyond all doubt, fact, by the Big-N themselves. We play the waiting game in both scenarios.


I'll probably download this if at a good price point, I enjoyed the first 2 games on a daily basis for well over a year each.

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The date has changed on Shopto to the end of May. September is just a placeholder by GAME, Nintendolife are just reporting whatever they feel like again, they've lost a bit of respect from me after the Etrian Odyssey mix up.

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I suppose we'll probably find out tomorrow when the weekly Nintendo Download list comes out.


If it's not there, I'm gonna be pissed :mad: I was really looking forward to getting that one next week! :(

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The contact that my wife has at Nintendo, who gets us review copies of games, hasn't ever mention this (although we've never asked). May or may not mean anything...


Did you still get the review copy as normal? (Fire Emblem Awakening review copies got sent out almost a month ago, so I would imagine that you would've already received one for DBT by now) Would be weird if they had sent out review copies before delaying it by several months!

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Looks like the rumour is true. GoNintendo just put up this week's Nintendo Download list and it's not there :(




FUCK! :mad: WHY!? :cry:


Edit: Oh, official confirmation here.




Nice to know that it's entirely strategic and not a production issue. So NOE have taken after Ubisoft... well, fuck you too!


Guess I'll have to question every release right up until it's in my hands now. Knowing my luck, Fire Emblem Awakening will probably get pushed back till November now instead of coming out next week :mad:

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Looks like the rumour is true. GoNintendo just put up this week's Nintendo Download list and it's not there :(




FUCK! :mad: WHY!? :cry:


Edit: Oh, official confirmation here.




Nice to know that it's entirely strategic and not a production issue. So NOE have taken after Ubisoft... well, fuck you too!


Guess I'll have to question every release right up until it's in my hands now. Knowing my luck, Fire Emblem Awakening will probably get pushed back till November now instead of coming out next week :mad:


I can see why they are doing it considering what has recently been released and whats on the horizon however again the region that has to suffer is Europe.

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Looks like the rumour is true. GoNintendo just put up this week's Nintendo Download list and it's not there :(




FUCK! :mad: WHY!? :cry:


Edit: Oh, official confirmation here.




Nice to know that it's entirely strategic and not a production issue. So NOE have taken after Ubisoft... well, fuck you too!


Guess I'll have to question every release right up until it's in my hands now. Knowing my luck, Fire Emblem Awakening will probably get pushed back till November now instead of coming out next week :mad:

I don't think it's strategic. What exactly are they going to say? "We fucked up with producing 3DS games due to supply issues in the parts, so all 3DS games are a bit short supply at the moment". That's not positive PR

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I don't think it's strategic. What exactly are they going to say? "We fucked up with producing 3DS games due to supply issues in the parts, so all 3DS games are a bit short supply at the moment". That's not positive PR


Luigi's Mansion 2 is not in short supply and Fire Emblem Awakening is still due for release next month. I think it's safe to say that supply issues are not the reason for an indefinite delay, especially when they publically said that the delay was for strategic reasons and they have the eShop to cover additional demand. Hell, just saying that it was due to supply issues would make them look much better than just outright saying that it's for purely strategic reasons; so I guess I should be grateful that they're telling the truth at least...


The thing that pisses me off most of all about this is not even necessarily the delay itself, but the fact that they pushed back its release indefinitely just 4 days before its planned release! Cheers guys!

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We have had a busy last couple of weeks so it's not too surprising they delayed it to me, think I'm backlogged until 2014.


Once again September is just a place holder by GAME it could still be out the end of April or around May.


It does suck they announced it so close to the release date though.

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We have had a busy last couple of weeks so it's not too surprising they delayed it to me, think I'm backlogged until 2014.


Once again September is just a place holder by GAME it could still be out the end of April or around May.


It does suck they announced it so close to the release date though.


Shopto have it listed for May 31, so that September date on Game's site is probably a placeholder.


I wouldn't really mind if it came out in May or mid June. Any later would be outright insulting though.

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Luigi's Mansion 2 is not in short supply and Fire Emblem Awakening is still due for release next month. I think it's safe to say that supply issues are not the reason for an indefinite delay, especially when they publically said that the delay was for strategic reasons and they have the eShop to cover additional demand. Hell, just saying that it was due to supply issues would make them look much better than just outright saying that it's for purely strategic reasons; so I guess I should be grateful that they're telling the truth at least...


The thing that pisses me off most of all about this is not even necessarily the delay itself, but the fact that they pushed back its release indefinitely just 4 days before its planned release! Cheers guys!

I've been hearing that there are a lot of production issues with 3DS games at the moment

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I was really looking forward to this game :( I'd rather have Fire Emblem be delayed than this lol


It's posts like that which make me wish there was counterpart to the "thanks" button expressing the opposite.



Zavvi have changed their date to mid June and Tesco shows as the end of August so I think it's safe to say no one has a clue as to its new release date.


Strategic reasons really could mean absolutely anything so they aren't lying to us but they aren't telling us anything either - not that I particularly care about its delay from a purchaser perspective since I have no interest in the game but as a follower of industry, it's interesting.


Still, considering Japanese and US sales of the game so far, I think Nintendo might have come to the conclusion that the people who currently own 3DSs are not the main market for this kind of "game" - I don't consider this a game personally, it's just software. There is a market for the game, it just isn't aligned with the current 3DS market and it's something they need to address if they hope this to sell.


It will take a huge marketing push to reach out to none gamers and it will need to be over a protracted time frame unlike when advertising other games - much like how they did it for the older games in the series.


After the winter holidays, Easter is the second biggest spending season in the gaming calender and typically you see a nice spike around late March/early April but they've missed that boat here so they might as well delay it a bit if it means they can come up with a better strategy - perhaps they didn't release how early Easter was this year and thought they'd be safe date wise when they picked it.


I wonder if Nintendo have another 3DS price cut on the cards and they are waiting for that so they can release this at the same time because that's the other abstacle to great sales for what is a casual friendly piece of software - £160 for a regular 3DS and game is still outside impulse and gift giving range for most people in todays climate.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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