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When bronies go too far


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I have been watching the cartoon thanks to this thread. Only watched 11 episodes but I like it. Can't stop listening to the Winter Wrap Up song now haha. =P


Plus I had one or two My Little Pony dolls when I was 5 and I think I watched the old cartoon back in the day. This is very different, but I enjoy it. And some of it makes me laugh. =)

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I haven't seen the documentary yet but I will have a look. I've never even heard of this cartoon before at all, I didn't even know what "bronies" were and read the thread title as "brownies" (yes, I was expecting cakes of some kind!) but yeah, good for them for not being ashamed for liking something that breaks the stereotype. Ashamed isn't really the right word but the word I'm looking for is like "making it known and not caring"...I'll edit it when I think of it!


I think it's great that there's people out there who are starting to break these stereotypical labels and I think it's a great thing that so many people are becoming like this (even though I do think a convention about this show may be a bit too far but it's cool for them to meet other fans who have the same interest so whatever). As people have pointed out, the name for fans doesn't necessarily mean they're super-obsessed with it. Like Harry Potter fans are called Potterheads, Twilight fans are called Twilighters (or Twi-hards although I think that's a bit daft) and Glee fans are called Gleeks. It's just a way of saying you're a fan of it.


Okay, I'm off to watch the video...:D

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I have been watching the cartoon thanks to this thread. Only watched 11 episodes but I like it. Can't stop listening to the Winter Wrap Up song now haha. =P


Plus I had one or two My Little Pony dolls when I was 5 and I think I watched the old cartoon back in the day. This is very different, but I enjoy it. And some of it makes me laugh. =)


Do we have another brony on our hands? :p I'm not much usually a fan of the songs, but Winter Wrap Up's an exception. What would you say your opinions are of the show having seen it, in relation to the idea of bronies?



I haven't seen the documentary yet but I will have a look. I've never even heard of this cartoon before at all, I didn't even know what "bronies" were and read the thread title as "brownies" (yes, I was expecting cakes of some kind!) but yeah, good for them for not being ashamed for liking something that breaks the stereotype. Ashamed isn't really the right word but the word I'm looking for is like "making it known and not caring"...I'll edit it when I think of it!


I think it's great that there's people out there who are starting to break these stereotypical labels and I think it's a great thing that so many people are becoming like this (even though I do think a convention about this show may be a bit too far but it's cool for them to meet other fans who have the same interest so whatever). As people have pointed out, the name for fans doesn't necessarily mean they're super-obsessed with it. Like Harry Potter fans are called Potterheads, Twilight fans are called Twilighters (or Twi-hards although I think that's a bit daft) and Glee fans are called Gleeks. It's just a way of saying you're a fan of it.


Okay, I'm off to watch the video...:D


This is definitely better than Twilight. Once you're done with the documentary, if you've an hour to spare, check out the first three episodes of the show(should all be findable on youtube) and then make your judgements. Admittedly I feel like the first two episodes are quite over dramatised in relation to the rest of the show, but it's a whole scene/character setting thing, third episode is much more like the usual offerings.

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Do we have another brony on our hands? :p I'm not much usually a fan of the songs, but Winter Wrap Up's an exception. What would you say your opinions are of the show having seen it, in relation to the idea of bronies?


This is definitely better than Twilight. Once you're done with the documentary, if you've an hour to spare, check out the first three episodes of the show(should all be findable on youtube) and then make your judgements. Admittedly I feel like the first two episodes are quite over dramatised in relation to the rest of the show, but it's a whole scene/character setting thing, third episode is much more like the usual offerings.


Aren't bronies adult male fans of the show? Would the women be called hoenies? (Okay, not being a stand-up comedian in my lifetime so I'll stop!)


I've seen the documentary and I think the fans are a little overboard but if this was something else, I'd say the same thing. Like you get Twilighters and then you have Twi-hards who take it one step too far but if you enjoy it that much, why not? I'm practically like that with Harry Potter (well, I've toned down but yeah, still couldn't resist me a Deathly Hallows sweatband when I saw it! :D).


I might have a watch of this. I will admit, it's made me a little curious about the show, wouldn't hurt to watch a couple of the episodes.

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Some choose to call the female fans "pegasisters", though the general consensus seems to be that as girls can be bros, so girls can be bronies. :heh: The use of a unisex term also seems to better express the open and accepting philosophy of the fandom.


Fun fact, though: While the term "brony" is almost always quoted as being an amalgamation of bro and pony, apparently it originally came from /b/ + pony since the brony fandom originated on 4chan of all places. It seems to be one of those cases where a fake etymology is adopted that fits the term better.

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Some choose to call the female fans "pegasisters", though the general consensus seems to be that as girls can be bros, so girls can be bronies. :heh: The use of a unisex term also seems to better express the open and accepting philosophy of the fandom.


Fun fact, though: While the term "brony" is almost always quoted as being an amalgamation of bro and pony, apparently it originally came from /b/ + pony since the brony fandom originated on 4chan of all places. It seems to be one of those cases where a fake etymology is adopted that fits the term better.


Ah, I see..."Pegasisters"? Hoe-nies sound much better! :D


What is 4chan? *off to Google*

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You've unleashed a beast upon the Animal, if he was not aware of the chan.



But yes, as Danny said, you can use the term Pegasister and I did originally put it in my post but then changed it to brony as the term does currently tend to encompass female fans of the show too(and I felt it a bit too nerdy). To me brony's essentially a generalised term for someone outside the intended demographic who likes the show.

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You don't know what 4chan is?! O_O


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Judging by the look of that site, I'm guessing it's a good thing, some people on there talk such bullshit that I couldn't be arsed to entertain reading the rest of it. It just looks a right mess! :laughing:


"Bro" as in "brother", so how can girls be bros? o_O


Well technically yes, but it's still a reduced form of "brother". Would not use it for a female friend...


I agree with Ville here, I wouldn't call a girl 'bro'. It's like the word 'dude', I wouldn't call a girl 'dude' but I would with lads. Might be different for the word 'bronies' but still...


Also, hoenies sounds funny and pretty cool, I'm going to try and make it happen!


You've unleashed a beast upon the Animal, if he was not aware of the chan.


But yes, as Danny said, you can use the term Pegasister and I did originally put it in my post but then changed it to brony as the term does currently tend to encompass female fans of the show too(and I felt it a bit too nerdy). To me brony's essentially a generalised term for someone outside the intended demographic who likes the show.


I was not aware of the chan and I'm not interested to get to know either with it's weirdly random racist threads and such, lmao. Stupid, ignorant people! :p


Fair enough, clever name for the lads (and now the fans) but "Pegasisters" sounds a bit dull.

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