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The Peepsville Mafia

The Peeps

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Stoopid phone posting :(


I'm not gonna vote now I've relooked, there are people that I'm sure one of must be mafia voting


Therefore I believe Aqui1a to be inactive town for now.


If hes still here tomorrow and hasn't said anything and we've not got anything better I will vote off the inactive! @Aqui1a!

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I haven't read through the latest post yet but you're reading way too much into my sweet things! That was my just way of saying I do good stuff, I'm NOT giving any details of my abilities.


I must say, I'm loving this level of discussion this early in the game.


And Rummy, you are way too paranoid! I'm good! Do you think if I were mafia I would suggest killing you off after we built up a bit of rapport on the first day?

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I haven't read through the latest post yet but you're reading way too much into my sweet things! That was my just way of saying I do good stuff, I'm NOT giving any details of my abilities.


I must say, I'm loving this level of discussion this early in the game.


And Rummy, you are way too paranoid! I'm good! Do you think if I were mafia I would suggest killing you off after we built up a bit of rapport on the first day?


Where'd you suggest killing me off? Day 1 was a very different day. I'm out atm, talking about suit heaven, but keep my vote, add aquila and those who've retracted their vote for him so fast to my list of suspects.


Mr Paul Diageo and yvonne, Or maybe DuD aquila and marcamulluan, possibly a combination combination thereof. Need to post more when I'm home maybe.


It's day 2.


No good reason for inaction, that's what leads to town losses. Though you'd know that, you mafia!

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Yeah rummy, I agree... its really scummy that the people who were voting off an inactive have retracted their votes now the person has become active :p


If he's fellow mafia, it gives them good reason to retract after pressuring them to post. One post isn't enough to exonerate him from things, and in my opinion despite arguably better targets at least they're more active.


Especially given it's a very vague post almost playing into Yvonnne.


Plus I didn't claim it really scummy, just want to get a lynch and think inactive's a viable target because it sorta benefits either way imo.

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Where'd you suggest killing me off? Day 1 was a very different day. I'm out atm, talking about suit heaven, but keep my vote, add aquila and those who've retracted their vote for him so fast to my list of suspects.


Mr Paul Diageo and yvonne, Or maybe DuD aquila and marcamulluan, possibly a combination combination thereof. Need to post more when I'm home maybe.




No good reason for inaction, that's what leads to town losses. Though you'd know that, you mafia!


I was just saying, after you've decided that I could be scummy after saying I believe you may have been targeted for the kill - you were suggesting I was using insider information to come out with that. I was saying, no it was purely speculation, as I knew you were protected, and if I were mafia, I would never have let anyone attempt to kill you after I felt we built up a bit of rapport on day one. I find it a bit saddening as I have only had your best interests at heart but you've let speculation and gossip from certain members of the town influence you into being very paranoid about people.

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I have been the epitome of a townie so far. I've probably posted more and more information than everyone else combined.


Full disclosure: at Rummy's birthday party I told him a good way of appearing town is to post a lot early on. Of course, a good town player will post a lot early on too...it's a null tell.


I ain't even saying or implying anything right now. All I'm going to ask is that either last night's jailkeeper jailkeeps me again tonight, or this supposed protector protects me. 98% sure I'll die for calling out all these weakass folks.


I was just saying, after you've decided that I could be scummy after saying I believe you may have been targeted for the kill - you were suggesting I was using insider information to come out with that. I was saying, no it was purely speculation, as I knew you were protected, and if I were mafia, I would never have let anyone attempt to kill you after I felt we built up a bit of rapport on day one. I find it a bit saddening as I have only had your best interests at heart but you've let speculation and gossip from certain members of the town influence you into being very paranoid about people.


Yeah we made a connection, and I still somewhat trust you hence going for Yvonne over you, but the arguments just seem to help that general cause of both of you just being mafia.


Also bolded a certain claim as if the town's influencing me, everybody look back through the thread and there's NO other suggestions to make my claim, it's all from me. Hence further re-inforcing in my mind the accuracy of my speculations that you guys are trying to play off as something else.


Coincidence of last two postings by you and Yvonne are of course just coincidences. Purely coincidental. Nothing but that.



P.S I'm still totally mafia.


Finger of suspicion for Rummy, for D2 tunnel vision. Theories are good, but they need substance.


Finger of suspicion for vague statement not really saying anything but trying to incriminate me for having theories you've previously stated you're a fan of people having. Maybe they're just a bit too close to home, iono.

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No Lynch (4): Jimbob, gmac, Marcamillian, Yvonne

Yvonne (2): Rummy, EEVILMURRAY

Aqui1a (1): ReZourceman


Majority is 8


Mayoral Elections:


mr-paul (5): mr-paul, ReZourceman, Marcamillian, Yvonne, Tales

Cube (2): Nintendohnut, DuD

Jimbob (1): gmac


Phase will end in 2 hours.

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you've already voted for me, finger of suspicion is for when you suspect someone but don't feel the need to put a vote down.


I think you're posting too much to be scum right now, but you are way off. Trying out theories is not the same as having tunnel vision. And the chances of you dying tonight are approximately zero with the amount of WIFOM going on.


And the only time I post in the same minute as a scum teammate is when I'm quickhammering for a win.


Rummy and EEVIL's vote's add up to 1?


oh apostrophe fail.

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Changed it. It's not a Peeps game unless I get some numbers wrong. I also had Rummy down as voting for both you and Aqui1a but you didn't notice that one ;D


People bloody changing their votes here and there. It's all turned to chaos since my death!

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No Lynch (5): Jimbob, gmac, Marcamillian, Yvonne, mr-paul


Aqui1a (2): Rummy, ReZourceman


Majority is 8


Mayoral Elections:


mr-paul (5): mr-paul, ReZourceman, Marcamillian, Yvonne, Tales

Cube (2): Nintendohnut, DuD

Jimbob (1): gmac


Another day ended with the town no closer to bringing those responsible for the Dear Leader's death to justice.


However... a new Mayor has been elected! mr-paul gained the most votes during the day and is now acting-mayor while the investigation is on-going. A new mayor can still be elected if the town so chooses.


Night Two Begins Now

Please send in your PMs


Players (15):








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Just to point out I did this;


Looks like it's gonna have to go this way, ChangeLynchVote:Aqui1a


On the last page and never changed it back to Yvonne. Though nobody seemed to notice.


(i know it's night but I just wanted to correct that)

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