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Wireless Keyboard only Types Accented Vowels?


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Google has failed my so I come to seek the knowledge of the N-E Elite.


Have a wireless keyboard that I used with my Wii, mainly for online games like Monster Hunter 3.


Anyway for awhile I thought the keyboard was broken and it's just been sitting there. Today I ramdonly thought to give it a try (after opening it up...but not messing with anything, not that there was much there to mess with anyway) so I did.


At first I thought it still wasn't working as I pressed various letters and numbers and nothing happened.


Then I pressed "i" and "í" appeared..weird.


Then pressed every button one by one and it turns out only the vowels, enter and space bar work with the vowels all typing with accents (ie: áéíóú) and nothing else.


In all likely hood when I first thought "it's broken" a few months back it was probably just doing the same thing but I just never pressed a vowel while then bashing the keys going "why won't you work anymore :mad:"



Tried it with my laptop and the same thing happens.


Anyone have any idea what might have caused this and/or how I might reverse it to make it normal again?


I've tried all the Hot Keys on the keyboard too and nothing happened, sure none of them were related to any such alteration either anyway.


keyboard is a Silvercrest MTS2220

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Ah good call... somehow I again manage to fail to think of the obvious :heh: Also odd that google searching never presented that as a reason for me too.


However just checking the Alt Gr button and it seems fine, presses normally just like all other buttons, and I had earlier opened it up and cleaned out the keys... less I missed that one I'll try open it up again later or tomorrow to check again.


Cheers guys

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The scenario you've described has occurred with me with wired keyboards before, I've always assumed it's windows glitching but it tends to fix with my mashing most of the 'system' keys(alts, ctrls, shifts etc). Hasn't happened for ages, and probably given yours is wireless and a little more consistent it's probably the keyboard, just thought it could help as info. Weird that the alt gr button does that exact function, yet I don't believe I've ever used it.

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Righty just opened it up again, cleaned the underside of the keys, cleaned the plasticy circut board. Checked the rubber nubs that the buttons depress when pushed and nothing appeared to be wrong with the Alt Gr one.


Put it back together and tested it and it still doing the same. I guess whatever is wrong it just thinks the Alt Gr button is always pressed down even when it is not. Was thinking what if I just broke the wires on the circut board where the Alt Gr button presses to "remove it" but I'd imagine that would just break the rest of the keys anyway :heh:


Ah well

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