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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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We are noticing some issues with the version of the patch that was posted that you guys are also reporting here on the forums. We are working with Nintendo on a resolution to this problem and hope to know more at some point tomorrow. I will keep you posted as I receive more information.


We are aware that some of the menu listings from the 360's Revolution DLC drop are showing up in the game. This is not a confirmation of DLC for the Wii U, just a versioning problem that we are working to address.


I do not want to publish the list of known fixes until I have confirmation that they are all live. I hope to be able to do this tomorrow, but as I mentioned, this is something we are working on with Nintendo, so the timeline isn't entirely in our hands.


Thank you for understanding.



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The patch has actually managed to make this game worse. It's actually unbelievable how bad it is. Now anyone with a good connection is basically cannon fodder for those with poor connections. It really is the worst modern COD game to date and makes MW3 looks awesome.


I've just finished playing with Welsh and Lost and we've actually had games where all three of us have finished with negative KDs.


I'm getting so many kill cams where I haven't even pulled the trigger and the other guy has unloaded en entire mag into me, but on my screen it was one shot from him and it didn't even look like he'd raised his gun.


It's actually embarrassing how bad this is! Considering this was the 'big' pacth they've been working so hard on, it actually makes you wonder what they've been doing.

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with the low numbers online is there a serious chance that Wii U wont be getting DLC?


Only if they give it to us for free.


The problem is the most online over Christmas was just over 4K, so if only 25% of those bought the DLC, it'd divide the community and make finding a game a lot harder for those with the DLC.


PS3/360 players wouldn't have that problem as there are over 500K on every night, so if only 25% bought the DLC, they wouldn't notice any difference really.


Anyway, last night was so funny at times many for how broken the game is, oh and @Zechs Merquise this game is doing something to your eyesight, you need to book an appointment with the opticians.


Only a few weeks ago you were shouting out "THERE EVERYWHERE!!!", last night during one game you were repeatedly shouting out "I CAN'T SEE HIM!!!! I CAN'T SEE HIM!!!""


You make this game worth playing every night, you really do.

Edited by lostmario
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It's not my fault the game is fucked! We had two good weeks with it and they changed it back to give preference to noobs!


As for that invisible guy, it was like you died and nothing was there, then watched the kill cam and he was already round the corner shooting you, but because of the lag you couldn't see him. It's laughable.


How a yearly release manages to be so screwed up is beyond me. You think they'd learn from their mistakes - but nooooo. Every game is released to people who are expected to beta test it and every game the connections get worse!

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I think the next CoD probably won't be a day 1 purchase for me after this... although I'll probably change my mind before then.


Haha, you know we'll all buy it day one. Come the first trailer we'll all be super hyped, then there will be the excruciating anticipation as the launch hype builds - even more so for Nintendo fans as little or nothing will be revealed for us until a week before.


Then follows the sweaty palmed anticipation as you put the disk in for the first time and load it up. That will then be followed by the 'this is pretty awesome, it's a new COD' feeling. That quickly passes though as we realise all the problems and faults.


That then leads to the 'what if' period. Where we all say the game would be perfect if they just fixed a few things. We all then start anticipating the first patch which we then pin all our hopes upon.


The patch is released and the anticipation is again at fever pitch only for the crushing realisation that nothing is fixed and in fact it's probably worse than it was before the patch.


All good will is now spent and hate and raging pours forth. We all rage quit a lot, numbers playing falls and we all exclaim that KD means nothing because the game is so hit and miss. In between raging we all talk about how the original MW and Black Ops were the best things ever.


We long to be back on Array, WMD, Cracked and Vacant. We claim COD is dead and that's the last time we're bothering.


Then they release the first trailer for the new one.... and so the cycle begins anew!

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Just logged in to watch a game from last night in CoD TV with sexual intent and was prompted with another update -


Not sure if these are all new or if it's been added to from the last update.


Black Ops II Wii U - Update - 2/1/2013

Posted by A_Trey_U on 01-Feb-2013 20:34

Game Update Notes: Feb 1, 2013


Wii U Specific Issues Addressed/Features

Home Button Menu is now available in Multiplayer and Zombies when not in-game

Send text messages from the lobby and friend list menus

Wii Remote Changes

Improved presets

Buffed aim assist

Wii Remote Bug Fixes

Jittery movement

Unable to turn when crouched/prone with a scoped weapon on Wii Remote

Hybrid optic attachment stopped working after ADS on Wii Remote

Guardian and Turret unmovable when weapon pickup option is set to inventory button

Reticle disappearing during EMP

Hunter Killer Drone does not fire in reticle direction

Crash in Strike Force tutorial

Lodestar score streak is hard to control (it now uses the control stick)


Non Platform-Specific:


New Features & Feature Improvements

Added 2 new pages to the Combat Record (the Combat Summary and Medals).

Implemented sorting of Medals in the After Action Report.

Lowered HUD threshold for the "low health" of low health.

Added a “Go to Top” button for the League Leaderboard.

* Issues Addressed*

Matchmaking modified to never return games outside of player’s own continent, unless the Connection Type in Search Preferences is set to “Any”.

Addressed an issue where the UAV would not trigger if called in while aiming down sight.

Addressed an issue where the Master Demolition challenge did not unlock when the requirements were complete.

Addressed issue with the headshot sound not playing in final Killcams and Theater Demos.

Fixed an issue in League Play where “Career Wins” for a Series were not displayed during placement in the Lobby Career Overview.

Updated the After Action Report in League Play so that bonus points are not summed with the ladder points in points earned for the match.*

Stocks on SMGs no longer allow a player to move faster while ADS than when moving normally.

Shotgun crosshairs will no longer turn red if an enemy is out of the shotgun’s maximum damage range.

Fixed an issue where bullets would not fire straight immediately after aiming down the sight while moving at the same time.

Improved turret tracking to eliminate false positives when checking line of sight.

Turrets now have smoother tracking when targeting players.

Improved bot pathing on multiple maps.

Current League Info is now getting updated properly in the Player Identity.

Manual sorting on League Teams removed as the results are now returned correctly.

Improved the Scoreboard to make friend Playercard information more accessible.

Addressed multiple UI issues.

Players can no longer earn credit towards a Prestige Equipment challenge through “friendly” flashbangs, concussions, and shock charges.

Fixed Select Fire weapons reverting back to their default fire method when using certain Scorestreaks and not calling them in.

Addressed an exploit where the game allowed access to the Custom Games Settings while believing the game was Public Matchmaking, allowing XP.

Score and points are no longer awarded if a player destroys their own turret in Hardcore FFA.

Addressed an issue where players were able to plant numerous Assault Shields.

Addressed an issue where the Stealth Helicopter was able to drop below the map in Drone.

Players are no longer able to get infinite Black Hats by immediately using another Black Hat.

Addressed an issue where it was possible for a player to equip two Assault Shields at the same time.

Players Spectating a One in the Chamber game no longer earn Survivor Bonus Points.

A player can no longer earn Medals for multi-kills if they continue to kill quickly after dying and re-spawning.

Various minor map fixes were made across multiple maps.


Gameplay Balancing


Death Machine: 3 hit kill range increased.

Dragonfire: health increased, gun spread reduced.

AGR: ground speed increased, reduced machine gun close range damage.

Warthog: reduced missile delay.

Lodestar: reduced missile speed and AOE radius.

Swarm: drone re-spawn delay increased.

* Perks:*

Hard Wired: Players with hard wired are now completely unaffected by EMP grenades.


Trophy System: increased range.

* SMGs:*

All + Silencers: reduced range.

Assault Rifles:

All: reduced idle sway.

M27: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, increased 4-hit kill range.

Type25: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread.

SCAR: Increased 3-hit kill range.* Maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4.

SIG556: Penetration increased from medium to large, reduced burst delay, and maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4.

MTAR: increased 3-hit kill range.

SMR: slight increase to damage so that 2 hit kills can still happen with minor penetration, headshot multiplier increased at long distance.

FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.

FAL OSW: increased hip spread.

* LMGs:*

All: ADS in and out time reduced.


SRM1216: slightly increased short range damage.

* Pistols:*

Executioner: increased medium range damage.

Edited by madeinbeats
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So my latest emblems are Link, Samus' helmet, and a Metroid... particularly liking the Link one. Added those to the collection recently, which consists of the N-E symbol, the Hylian Shield, Uchiha Obito (with mask) from Naruto, Zechs Merquise, the One Piece Strawhat Pirates Jolly Roger sign and of course Mario himself!


I love making emblems!

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So.. the patch for the patch has finally fixed Wii Remote aiming and aim assist. However, I still find the game virtually unplayable at certain times so they (as I correctly predicted) have completely ignored the networking issues (which I claim are so deeply ingraining in the fabric of the game they will never be fixed).


Still, I can stand playing Domination and Kill Confirmed as the amount of XP received makes up for the lack of fun!

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I only just spotted that one of the fixes in the patch was "Buffed Aim Assist" for teh Wiimote... so that is making it better/have more effect?

Would love to see what the reactions of the "MIDZ" clan who claimed the Wiimote had "too much aim assist" before, to see it's been "Buffed" :heh:


I've actually had my Aim Assist turned off last few days (both before and after the latest patch) as I wasn't seeing much difference with or without it. MIght turn it back on later to see what it's like now. (I assume in comparison to using Dual Sticks for control, the wiimote still has less aim assist comparitivly?)

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Connection Types and Optimising your Router:


Several people - notably @Kav-82 and @Mokong X\-C have been experiencing disconnects and have trouble joining parties and remaining joined to parties. This is because of the connection type they are using. I will now go through the things that people NEED to do to ensure a better connection.


But before I do so, I'll comment on WHY people need to do this.


Both the 360 and PS3 have ethernet ports. This allows them to be hard wired to a router. They do this because the amount of data passing to and from the console to the router is 'reasonable' and the 'ping' is reduced drastically but wiring a connection. The key to a stable game and a good connection is a low ping, a reliable and unbroken connection and finally for that reliable connection to be as quick as possible in both terms of upload and download speed.


Both Sony and MS 'get' this. Hence they use a wired connection as their primary connection setting knowing this will push people to wiring in their devices and making producing a community with a stable connection. Nintendo however opted for wireless as standard, this produces an unstable base.


Wireless interference - which can be produced from have electrical wiring, mobile phones, other wireless devices, thick or obstructive materials and radio waves - will break up your connection. With a wired connection you don't have this problem. Hence the Wii Us user base by its very nature will have less stable connections than the user base of the 360.


Getting a Wired Connection


The Wii U does not have an ethernet port. It does however have a number of USB ports. You can convert a USB port to an ethernet port using a USB to ethernet adaptor:




This are very cheap. Once you have one of these you can plug your Wii U directly into your router. This also has another huge benefit in that you can can place your Wii U in the demilitarised zone in your router (DMZ) but we'll come back to that later.


Once you have a USB to ethernet adaptor, you simply need to run a bit of cabling. Ethernet cable is very cheap and can easily to be attached to skirting boards to neaten it so it never runs loose across the floor.


Once you have wired in your connection, like myself and @lostmario you'll find that you are disconnected less and will be able to join parties more easily.


Opening your NAT


Once you have done this, you should also place your Wii U in the DMZ of your router. This is done differently with different routers and you can find numerous tutorials on Youtube. Here's one I used for my Sky Router:



This will OPEN your NAT type allowing you to connect to better games. You can see whether your NAT is open, moderate or strict when you log into COD online. It tells your in the bottom right of the screen.




Q: This never happened on the Wii!!!

A: The Wii was 5 on 5 and several killstreaks were cut.


Q: Well why didn't Nintendo make wired connections the norm?

A: They are clueless when it comes to online.


Q: Does this actually work?

A: YES, it's drastically cut the number of disconnects I had on every console I wired in.


Q: Do I have to do this?

A: No, of course you don't. But if you value a good connection in competitive online games, then you should.

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Just a few corrections Zechs


Wireless interference - which can be produced from have electrical wiring, mobile phones, other wireless devices, thick or obstructive materials and radio waves - will break up your connection. With a wired connection you don't have this problem. Hence the Wii Us user base by its very nature will have less stable connections than the user base of the 360.


Electrical Wiring will not cause interference to a Wi-Fi signal. Electrical wiring running close to an ethernet cable run will potential cause interference on the ethernet cables signals.


Mobile Phones only cause interference if using Wi-fi or Bluetooth, which I know is what you meant, but just to avoid extra confusion the actual "phone signal" will not. Cordless phones on a persons landline however will cause interference to Wi-Fi



This also has another huge benefit in that you can can place your Wii U in the demilitarised zone in your router (DMZ) but we'll come back to that later.


Putting a device into your routers DMZ does not require a wired connection.


It prolly depends on the router I guess though, but both routers I've had (my old one which I had since the original DS came out) and my current one which I got I think end of 2011 have allowed me to place devices into the DMZ without the need for a device to be wired in.


My Wii U is currently in my DMZ while using Wi-Fi.



Q: Do I have to do this?

A: No, of course you don't. But if you value a good connection in competitive online games, then you should.


Here's why I have chosen to remain on my wireless connection.

I've actually been double checking things over the weekend and for me the cost of wiring my Wii U isn't worth it.


Main cost is the cost of the cabling. As I've told yourself and Lost my router and Wii U are in different rooms, adjacent rooms so only 1 wall between them. The router is in the room it is in because that is where the main phoneline coming into the house is (the demark), and where I've of course got my router connected to it.


And the Wii U is obviously in my sitting room/TV room cause that's where my big TV is. :D


I've measured up how long of a cable I would need to connect my Wii U to the router, taking into account running the cable down and along the wall and around a few corners I'd need a cable lenght of about 15 meters maybe 20 to ensure I had some good slack at either end.


I went and priced up some 15m lenght cables in the city, cheap non-branded ones would cost 21euro. Now I know 21euro seems reletively workable but that is 21euro I wouldn't have for buying new games later down the line. Plus add on the cost of the Lan Adapter. I know you can get the non-official ones online at decent prices but when I went looking for the cheap ones and went further to check shipping costs, the postage would cost more than the Adapter :heh: Bringing the cost up to 30euro overall :blank: I might as well just get the official one in Tesco which I think was 32euro. Ad in the cable cost and I'm over 50euro...that's the cost of one game I won't be able to buy later down the line.



But if I was gonna do it I would feel I'd want to do it right and proper and get some better quality cable which would be branded by someone like Belkin which would cost 45euro for 15meters. :heh:



That of course is just my own situation and could be very different for others who might even have both Wii U and Router in the same room, in which case wiring might make much more sense.



Especially anyone who has a router they've been using for a years as it most likely is running off the 802.11g standard at best which gives a connection speed of 56Mb/s compared to Ethernets 100Mb/s


Newer routers like mine should have the newer 802.11n standard which (depending on the router) can give connections up to 300Mb/s some even 600Mb/s (though as far as I'm aware there's no consumer devices compatable with 600Mb/s yet). The speed of the connection depends on the max the wireless card can go up to though, for example my laptop gets a connection of 150Mb/s on 802.11n, my wifes laptop can only get 72Mb/s on .11n...even though the router is rated to handle connections up to 300Mb/s


The Wii U is also compatible with the 802.11n standard. Though I can't find out what the throughput speed it gets when on a 802.11n connection is I'd imagine it is likely 150Mb/s. The slight shame with the Wii U using .11n though is while .11n can work on either the 2.4GHz or 5GHz frequencies (where .11g and other wireless devices; like cordless phones work on 2.4Ghz) the Wii U's Wi-Fi can't use the 5GHz frequecy band which would have helped remove any interference from devices working at 2.4GHz; as the connection between the console and Gamepad is also based on the 802.11n standard and actually uses the 5GHz frequency range to avoid any interference so the Wii U's Wi-Fi card is limited to just the 2.4GHz frequency :(


Anyway I've also tried checking using my laptop (at different times of day, with differing numbers of other Wi-Fi devices turned on) how it acts on ethernet at 100Mb/s vs Wi-Fi 802.11n at 150Mb/s and using Speedtest.net I always got better results when on the Wi-Fi connection. On the wi-fi I'd get ping between 38-41, download 9.9-10.5MB/s and Upload 0.5-0.55 MB/s. When on the wire, ping would go up to between 49-52, download drops between 7.9-9.2MB/s and Upload 0.3-0.48MB/s


So based on that and assuming the Wii U's Wi-Fi card does work at 150Mb/s on an 802.11n connection I'm slightly better on Wi-Fi than ethernet anyway.


As for interference from other wi-fi devices, I've tried to limit that doing a few things. My router lets me create a "Guest Access Point" which is a seperate Network it can have for "guests" to use like friends or family who might visit and ask if they can connect their smartphones or laptops to your Wi-Fi but you don't want to give them access to your "main" network.


I've got my wifes laptop, phone and Ipod on the guest network. The only devices on my proper network are my laptop, 3DS, Wii U (and Wii but that not on anymore unless Joy wants to play Just Dance) and of course the main networks traffic gets prioritized over the guest networks traffic. The only time I ever noticed any significant bottlenecking of traffic was over Xmas when we had the house full of guests (20ish cousins/aunts/unlces) all with smartphones using my guest Wi-fi. I've also got my Wii U in the DMZ as I said before and have QoS (Quality of Service) options turned on to give higher priority to gaming traffic... not that my laptop is ever on when I'm playing anyway.





That was all a lot shorter in my head :heh: Sorry for the wall of text

Edited by Mokong
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That's all well and good, yet here we are with people disconnecting from the party...


The costs of setting this up are less than £8:






A 20m cable from eBay costs £1.99!! We're talking 10 euros in total. It's up to you. It's just hassle when there's constant disconnects and other irritating issues!


When I first got my Wii I was using the wireless and I suffered disconnects and other niggles, so I wired myself in and I've never had problems since.


If this console lasts 6 years you've got 6 COD titles, Mario Kart, MH3U and probably a good number of other online games you'll play, which makes it a cost of less than 2 euros a year.


It would be foolish to go and spend a tonne on crazy expensive Belkin cabling as that stuff isn't necessary.


But as I said, it's up to you.


EDIT: This is such a pitiful amount of money I shall buy you the above items and post them to you if you can't afford them?

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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That's all well and good, yet here we are with people disconnecting from the party...


The costs of setting this up are less than £8:






A 20m cable from eBay costs £1.99!! We're talking 10 euros in total. It's up to you. It's just hassle when there's constant disconnects and other irritating issues!


When I first got my Wii I was using the wireless and I suffered disconnects and other niggles, so I wired myself in and I've never had problems since.


If this console lasts 6 years you've got 6 COD titles, Mario Kart, MH3U and probably a good number of other online games you'll play, which makes it a cost of less than 2 euros a year.


It would be foolish to go and spend a tonne on crazy expensive Belkin cabling as that stuff isn't necessary.


But as I said, it's up to you.


EDIT: This is such a pitiful amount of money I shall buy you the above items and post them to you if you can't afford them?


Thanks for the offer dude but your grand, as I've said I'm happy with my wireless connection and as I showed above the figures are telling me I've got a better connection on my Wi-fi than I would if I wired in.


If there was even some overlap I might talk myself into it but the best figures on the wired tests were lower than he lowest figures on wireless, not once did I get any overlap.


Had Nintendo bothered to put in a USB3.0 port on the WiiU and came up with a Lan Adapter that could handle Gigabit Ethernet via USB3.0 and Cat6 cable that would be different, I'd be up for that! (Or even better an actual gigabit ethernet port on teh console). I think that Belkin cable I was looking was Cat6 too actually which would account for the doubling in price which I would go for to help me future proof things incase any future console came out that supported Gigabit ethernet (or when I finally save up to build me a PC). That why I bought a 802.11n Router before the Wii U came out (at the time I didn't know my laptop supported .11n so that was a nice surprise when I turned it on)...well that and my old one died anyway so I needed a new one, but spent the bit extra for the 802.11n where I could have gotten a cheaper one that only went as far a .11g.


I'm more inclined to blame the games servers than my own home setup as I've got no issues with the Wii U online outside of CoD...granted nothing else on the Wii U at the moment is as traffic intensive as CoD in terms of things happening and number of players.


If MH3U and Aliens display similar d/c issues then I'll think about wiring again.

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Yeah I'll not be doing any of that, haha.


Not bothered about the cost, it's the cables, from where my router is it'd have to cut across the whole front room to get to my WiiU and I don't want that happening.

Also, something to note, this only started happening to me frequently since the first patch. Before it wasn't really a problem.

Edited by Kav
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So after extensive use of many of the games weapons I can safely say, as I always do, 10 classes just isn't enough! They should let you unlock an extra custom class slot for very prestige!


I reckon even if they did it still wouldn't be enough for you :heh: haha

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You should check out this guy's videos. He plays with the WiiMote and is just an absolute demon. He shows you his settings in one vid.




It's inspired me to believe I can sort out my woeful performances if I wanted to... Probably take a fair amount of effort but I don't know how much desire is there to be honest.


Just found out that lost hotfix disabled Aim Assist on the WiiMote because there were exploits.


Also found out Aim Assist on DAnalogue stays locked on even when the target moves behind cover!!!!! I can't believe the flack WiiMote users get when these are the kind of concessions DA users are rewarded with.

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Also found out Aim Assist on DAnalogue stays locked on even when the target moves behind cover!!!!!


Yeah, noticed that happen to me a few times. Just today I was walking towards a corner on Hijacked when the gun just aimed towards an enemy that I couldn't see, so I went round and took him out.

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Ok so @Mokong X\-C I caved and bought a USB/Ethernet adaptor... I'm getting a bit sick of the random disconnects. I've had to prestige 3 different guns more than twice now because after getting disconnected I lost the XP I gained over the last couple matches.

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