Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2022 Posted June 3, 2022 It was fitting that a remake of one of the older Resident Evil games was announced last night because I was playing this earlier in the week and most of yesterday. I ended up completing it today. After playing Resident Evil VII I was contemplating moving straight on to Village but I instead decided to revisit this game. I wanted to see how the game held up but also see how different it was when compared to VII. VII was made due to the criticisms made about 6. It was a game that many considered as a signal as the end of the franchise, even though it did sell stupidly well. So, 10 years later has my opinion changed on the game? Not really. The game is still a big mess. You have sections where you fly a plane, ride a snowmobile, mow down enemies in a chopper and fight wave after wave of enemies. It's crazy how different this game feels compared to the other games, especially after playing VII. Sure, Resident Evil 4 started the action route, with 5 carrying on what was started there, but this one completely jumps the shark and the game feels like a disjointed mess. Some of the boss fights are just ridiculous, especially Simmons. That dude just wouldn't die and his transformations didn't make sense at all. In past Resident Evil games you can kind of see the evolution of the forms of say someone like Birkin. After each battle you get to see new parts grow and older parts disappear. With Simmons it was if the development team were asked to name a random thing and then turn Simmons into it. He goes from a T-rex, to a horse type thing and then to a giant fly. It's hilariously bad. The one beacon of light in the game is the return of Sherry and her partnership with Jake. This is something I welcomed back when I played it on the 360 and I still enjoyed it to this day. In fact, story in general is pretty decent and I enjoy the references to the past games. I'd go as far to say that the narrative here is better than what was offer in Resident Evil 4, which I consider one of the weakest entries in the mainline series when it comes to telling a story. Trophies wise, the game didn't have any for doing a speed run. This isn't too surprising because the game is very long. It's split into 4 campaigns that are again split into 5 chapters. Some of these chapters can last up to an hour long and I can see why no trophy was on offer for beating it in a fast time. Other trophies require you to finish the game on Professional difficulty. This isn't too bad because of the skills you can equip and the infinite weapons you can use. Actually, the skills system is another bright spot in the game. Tailoring what skills you use to how you play or which character you use is pretty cool. For professional difficulty I used increased defence, better firepower and infinite shotgun ammo. This made it pretty straight forward. Other trophies were things like getting all the collectibles and doing a certain actions within a specific stage. Nothing too taxing. The game certainly feels like a product of its time. It was made during an era where Capcom were very focused on appealing to their Western audience and games like Call of Duty and Gears of War were big sellers. You can see the influence of those games in Resident Evil 6, for better or worse. Despite the issues with the game, it was fun to play through it again after all these years but now more than ever I can see why Capcom went back to the drawing board with VII and took the series back to its roots. 1
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