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Hana Samurai: Art of the Sword


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@f00had & @londragon, I hope you guys enjoy the game. : peace:


I'm currently approaching the final area on my second playthrough of the main game, and getting addicted to the thug-challenges too.

Trying to speed run the 30 Thug-challenge is a lot of fun! :D My best time is still over 3 minutes though.

I really want to get a run done in under 3, but it's proving tricky as I always make a mistake somewhere. :heh:


The developers' best time on the 30 thug-challenge is 02:35:59! :o



By the way, I discovered the last time I played this, that if you press A while inside a village, you perform a greeting.

If you stand next to an NPC and do it, they respond with their own little sound.


This character...



...makes the most amusing sound. :hehe:

I spent a few minutes repeatedly pressing the A button one time just to hear it. :laughing:

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By the way, I discovered the last time I played this, that if you press A while inside a village, you perform a greeting.

If you stand next to an NPC and do it, they respond with their own little sound.


This character...



...makes the most amusing sound. :hehe:

I spent a few minutes repeatedly pressing the A button one time just to hear it. :laughing:


Oh cool! I knew about the greeting, but I didn't know they actually respond to you!


Will have to try that out next time I play the game :)

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Oh cool! I knew about the greeting, but I didn't know they actually respond to you!


Will have to try that out next time I play the game :)

Yeah, just make sure you ain't standing too close though, otherwise you talk to them instead. :grin:



Damn it. :angry:


Yeah, it's unlikely that I would've killed the last 4 enemies in less than 5 seconds anyway, especially with a borked sword. :heh:


How the hell is it possible to get 02:35?! :hmm:

Edited by RedShell
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@f00had & @londragon, I hope you guys enjoy the game.


Only had an hour with it last night, but so far am really enjoying it, despite me being pants and dying quite a few times. It does take a little getting used to and when those enemies who attack faster first pop up they caught me out big time. But, just like Punch-Out the key to it is to learn their offensive techniques, so that you can counter effectively. When done correctly, cutting a swath through a group of enemies it is soooo rewarding. Will be spending a lot of time on this. I like to return to areas I've already cleared to perfect my skills.


Thoroughly recommended for all Punch Out fans.

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I beat the game on Expert Mode! :yay:


The final boss actually gave me less trouble than on my first playthrough, because I was already familiar with his attack patterns. :hehe:

Still took me a few attempts though, and I needed the Invincibility Robe and a Kappa's Amulet. Had 3 of those in my inventory actually :heh: but only needed the 1 on my final attempt.


Yeah, for those that might not be aware, it's possible to build up a collection of Kappa's Amulet, despite only being able to purchase 1 from the shop. The same goes for the other items too, frogs, throwing daggers, etc...

You just need to play lots of the town mini-games to collect stamps, once you get on the 40 stamp board, hitting 40 should award you with a Kappa's Amulet. 10, 20, & 30 will randomly give you other items, I ended up with over 40 throwing daggers!

The best mini-game to collect lots of stamps on is the one on the left in the 2nd town. The falling leaf game.

It's possible to get 7 stamps if you slice everything. :awesome:


But, just like Punch-Out the key to it is to learn their offensive techniques, so that you can counter effectively.
And also just like Punch-Out, once you get really good you don't have to wait for a counter attack (with certain enemies), you can be much more aggressive if your timing is precise enough. ;)

This also appears to be the key to getting fast times on the Thug Challenges, but it's not easy.

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