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Holidays- or vacations to those Americans

Atomic Boo

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Well as I say you're withing walking distance to pretty much everything, or at least a subway actually cause downtown is quite far. You may want to study how you the subway works before you go, or maybe I'm just simple ^_^


You're just simple! It shouldnt be too bad on the subway as im used to using the London Underground everyday to get me around town.


As for the UK holiday thing. Of course it counts as a holiday if you go off somewhere in this country. Most of my childhood holidays were in this country by the seaside somewhere :grin:

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silly dabookerman, I'd like to see you travel down to cornwall and back for a day trip.


I'd say theres 3 categories:


Day trips (1 day)(skegness)


Short breaks (weekend breaks)


holidays (longer then short breaks)


seeeeee :p so it does class as a holiday.


Who goes to skegness for a holiday. Time spent away from home/work/whatever is a holiday.

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Who goes to skegness for a holiday. Time spent away from home/work/whatever is a holiday.


well i guess its easier for the non city folk to class what is and what is not a holiday, i class a holiday as going somewhere far away as possible, going to places you have never been to. not somewhere u could feasibly ride a cycle to. the problem with this country is that ill never want to go for this supposed "holiday" in cornwall or...um..middlesboro, because nothing there interests me. ive seen everything this country has to offer more or less, there is no historical monuments that i really want to see. its just a few castles and stonehenge. most of the monuments are in london anyway.


i guess im not one of those people whos 2 week vacations are limited to nationwide travel

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well i guess its easier for the non city folk to class what is and what is not a holiday, i class a holiday as going somewhere far away as possible, going to places you have never been to. not somewhere u could feasibly ride a cycle to. the problem with this country is that ill never want to go for this supposed "holiday" in cornwall or...um..middlesboro, because nothing there interests me. ive seen everything this country has to offer more or less, there is no historical monuments that i really want to see. its just a few castles and stonehenge. most of the monuments are in london anyway.


i guess im not one of those people whos 2 week vacations are limited to nationwide travel


I don't think where you live changes your opinion of what a holiday is. If I lived in London i'd consider a holiday to be exactly the same thing as I said before.

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oh come on. you probably havent seen half of what the uk has to offer. you just dont make sense weve already said what a holdiay is. i have been abroad but i still count being away from home for a small period is a holiday.

anyway what is the actual definition of holiday


my definition of holiday is much grander than yours so ...






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1. A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.

2. A religious feast day; a holy day.

3. Chiefly British. A vacation. Often used in the phrase on holiday


Anyway, my best holidays were to France. Parents bought a small dilapidated cottage in a tiny village just outside the tiny town of Lege. Every Summer for sometimes up to 6 weeks, we would go out there for our holidays. It was great, huge rolling countryside that was all mine, I would go for huge long walks and adventures in a very Famous Five kind of way. I once saw a snake eat a frog, I collected empty birds nests, hunted lizards, fished in ponds around the area. One year we won a live duck at a village fete, we kept it in the garden and named it Pedrover, sadly he got eaten by a fox whilst wandering around the garden at night. We also had a chicken that a local farmer looked after while we weren't on holiday. One year twin girls moved in to the village, one of whom was my very first proper kiss. At the end of the holiday she sent me love letter, but when I returned the next year her family had gone and I never saw her again.


What I'm trying to say in a round about way is that these were the best holidays for me because I have so many great memories about the place.

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