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Extra Life 15th October 2011


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So have you guys figured out the main games you plan on playing over the 24 hours then?


Games I need to complete:


Yakuza 4

Halo Wars

Alan Wake


Tales of Vesperia


Halo 3: ODST (Hopefully play that on co-op with Goafer)


Games I'll probably replay:


Batman: Arkham Asylum

Uncharted 2

Football Manager 07



And then I may make some more game purchases before the big day depending on any good deals I notice. I also plan on stealing some of Goafers games when he isnt playing them.

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I will be starting my sonic marathon as I did last year. Sonic 1, 2, 3, S&K maybe Sonic 4.


Through my second copy of Gears trade in I got Dead Space 2 & Little Big Planet 2 & I have also bought God of War 3 (£12 in ASDA). I will try not to play them until extra life. I might buy one other game but I dunno yet (money permitting). Other than that will be playing games I already own.


Here was my playlist from last year:


0800: Sonic 1 (360)

0830: Sonic 2 (360)

1030: Sonic 3/S&K (360)

1340: Sonic 3D (360)

1400: Sonic 4 (360)

1600: Wii Sports Resort (wii)

1700: Solitaire (PC)

1720: PixelJunk Monsters (PS3)

1815: Crackdown 2 (360)

1910: PixelJunk Monsters (PS3)

2000: Uncharted 2 (PS3)

2025: PixelJunk Monsters (PS3)

2055: Uncharted 2 (PS3)

2120: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)

2150: Crackdown 2 (360)

2355: Sonic 4 (360)

0305: Halo Reach (360)

0400: Sonic 4 (360)

0530: Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

0555: Wii Sports (Wii)

0615: Scene It BOS (360)

0700: PixelJunk Monsters (PS3)

0725: Modern Warefare 2 (PS3)

0730: PixelJunk Monsters (PS3)

0800: DONE!!

*Played minesweeper on laptop at varying parts

**played solitaire on my phone when going the toilet and getting food from the kitchin!

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Heres my list from last year:


08:00 - Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

09:10 - Medal of Honor

10:30 - iPod casual games (while bloody Medal of Honor downloads an update on a 128k connection!)

11:00 - Football Manager Handheld 2010

11:30 - Medal of Honor (Completed)

16:00 - Minecraft

16:40 - A Boy and His Blob

17:00 - Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

18:20 - Final Fantasy I

18:45 - Super Mario Bros

20:45 - Gunstar Heroes (Completed)

21:50 - Fifa 11

22:45 - iPod casual games

23:10 - Medal of Honor Frontline

23:30 - Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

02:30 - Minecraft

03:20 - Hustle Kings

03:40 - New Super Mario Bros DS

05:20 - Fifa 11

06:20 - C&C Red Alert 2

07:00 - iPod casual games

08:00 - Sleep!

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I have bought and saved far too many games for Extra Life I can't possibly play them all but I will defintely be playing Enslaved, (had it saved to play for ages) Split Second, Saints Row 2 and the Ico/Shadow of the Collosus HD collection. Got a ton of ipod games I havn't really touched as well so will be giving some of them a bit more time...


it's getting very close I am getting very excited!

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Havent seen what games you are planning on playing yet ReZ?


Its getting closer to the date now, this thread should really have more posts in it!


I think its because this time more of actual conversation is taking place via facebook messages...Anyhow I've started hitting the trail at work and got my first donation!


I've not mentioned but have a ton of ipod games I've put no time into that I will be playing during the event. Happenstance know ur into ur ipod gaming will have to see if we can rock some multiplayer.


2 work weeks of hard campaigning at work, facebook and on here begins. Cannot wait to do the event but we need to get the money rolling in!


Anyway off to pgce class now but people can expect messages, tweets etc...very soon!

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The one thing I hate about doing Extra Life is saving up all my games before hand. Im bored and want to play some games!


Probably gonna try and find some cheap ones this week in town otherwise i'll just be replaying a load of stuff or trying to complete games I lost interest in originally.

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The one thing I hate about doing Extra Life is saving up all my games before hand. Im bored and want to play some games!


Probably gonna try and find some cheap ones this week in town otherwise i'll just be replaying a load of stuff or trying to complete games I lost interest in originally.


yeah I'm kinda the same playing through Dragon Age at the moment but nothing to properly play when I'm not in for that because I'm constantly thinking well I could start that at Extra Life....


Uncharted 3 Multiplayer.


End of list.



Oh...Starfox for loo breaks. Hahah.



May I suggest something offline as well? Last year the internet went down for a couple of hours between like 9pm-11/12 although I am planning on uping my package for this month for extra life.

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Ive got 3 promised so far but none of them like donating directly to the site so like last year ive gotta wait for them to give me the money then i'll donate to myself.


Yah mikes donations so far are pledges as such if you have the amount you can put them in without collecting the actual cash until afterwards!

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Yah mikes donations so far are pledges as such if you have the amount you can put them in without collecting the actual cash until afterwards!


Yeah, I have got some of the cash but i'm collecting it all first before going bank since my bank is in the next town to deposit cash before making the online donation.


How was the heat last year in the room with all the consoles, laptops and tvs all running?


Surprisingly... fine!


I brought a fan last time thinking it might be a problem but nope!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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How was the heat last year in the room with all the consoles, laptops and tvs all running?


It really wasn't that bad...I think I opened the window but for a bit of air...Mike had a fan and I've got one too like he said but we didn't use them.


In other news my pre Extra Life gaming took a hit today. Payday The Heist was due out this week I think has now been delayed...I preordered it via PSN so not happy was relying on it.

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I think I'll be getting Rage beforehand. Really liked the look of it when it was announced, then kind of lost interest, but I just saw some gameplay and it looks good.


Look forward to seeing it, totally come out of no where for me. I could have sworn it wasn't getting released until 2012.


Any ideas of when you guys are getting here? Not sure we discussed such things? Did we same sort of time as week?

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