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Colors! 3D - THE DS homebrew application comes to the eStore


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They're great, Calv, well done! We've got some real artists here at N-E! My art skills certainly leave something to be desired (don't even have art GCSE), but I downloaded this last night, and was pretty pleased with the result of my first go. I quite like how the tools are such that anyone can make a picture that looks half decent, even if you have no artistic talent!

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My first two attempts
Can't actually see them right now, because:


Did you know that you guys have uploaded over 35000 paintings from Colors! 3D? This has brought the Colors! Gallery server to it's knees, so we will bring it offline in about 2 hours to upgrade it. We estimate the upgrades will take about 3 hours to complete.


They definitely underestimated how popular this app would be. :heh:

Edited by RedShell
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That must've taken you a while, RedShell - I like it! I've just finished my own latest picture, which has taken me forever. It's based on the Emerald boxart, of course, but not traced, as you can probably tell! It's nice to be able to have a picture on the top screen as a reference, at least. I just wish I was better at drawing my own things, though. I'd have no chance drawing Rayquaza (or any other Pokémon, bar perhaps Voltorb and Magneton!) in any other pose that wasn't copied from another source - my mind just doesn't work that way and I can't picture it, I guess! Anyway, here it is:



I'm particularly pleased with the 3D effect in this one, as it spirals into the background.

EDIT: When deciding to do this picture, I thought I'd take the tried and tested Flipnote route of 'Pokémon = more views = more likes'. Well that certainly didn't work! After only 8 likes, this has now sunk forever. Man, the art world's harsh! :shakehead

Edited by Mike
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That must've taken you a while, RedShell
Quite a while, yeah. :grin:

The only tricky part was drawing the sections that aren't visible in the original image, in order to convert it from 2D to 3D. Like the parts of Peach and Yoshi, that are covered by Mario, and the parts of Bowser that are covered by Luigi and Peach, etc...


Cool Rayquaza pic BTW, will be sure to check it out on my 3DS later on. :)

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How/Where did you learn to draw like that, for that X-men stuff looks like a genuine piece of a comic.


Thanks, I just been drawing for a long time, Im getting more into it now, I kinda stopped completely once I finished Uni, then I started again a few years back, I dabble in Pixel Art, 3D Models and Digital Art.


Here's my latest Colors 3D, looks creepy on the 3DS


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Love the Sadako one, Calv. Would you mind making your pictures a bit less amazing, though? You're putting the rest of us to shame! ;)




As usual, looks better in 3D, as the little glowy things go through all five layers, which looks quite nice. Looking at it on the computer, I wish I'd made the background a tad lighter, too - you can see it better on the 3DS screen, I think.

Edited by Mike
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Has everyone else given up on this already? Or are you just preparing your latest masterpieces?


Nah, I've started one last week, but haven't had time to finish it off. Come Tuesday that will change.

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I got sidetracked with Xenoblade, but now that that's all wrapped up I hope to get some more 3D painting done soon!


I have however been keeping an eye on the gallery, I noticed that my SMK painting made it on to the front page for a while! Got quite a boost in comments/likes as a result. :smile:


It's a shame that art pretty much has to feature established characters/franchises in order to become noticed in the gallery though. :blank:

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I saw your Mario Kart one up there too, RedShell - nice one! I'm still waiting to get my first one that gets properly noticed. Best I've had so far is my Rayquaza, with just 12 likes. And that's not even my best one!

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