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Internet Done Good


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It's been a pretty big story on pretty much all of the major car forums at the moment.


BBC News Article


At the weekend, some delightful fuckwads climbed into a Japspeed Impreza at Santa Pod and just drove off. Being a track car, it had no security and just started on a button.


A person recorded a video of it driving round the M25 a day or so later, not realizing it was stolen at the time. Someone who recognised the car saw it on YouTube and told the relevant people. And that started the massive internet manhunt for the car. Members of loads of different forums went out looking for it and the car was found earlier this week.


Crazy how people get together to do this sort of thing. Kind of like an anti 4Chan.


What is quite surprising is that the car has no licence plates and wasn't picked up by the Police, despite driving from Santa Pod (Northamptonish) to the M25, including several stints on the motorway itself.

Edited by Goafer
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