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The Decemberists


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I found out about them through the longboarding video I posted. They seem pretty good so far.


The song from the video:



This one is my favourite so far though. It's about the singers son, who has autism.



"Hey Henry, can you hear me?

Let me see those eyes

This distance between us

Can seem of mountain size


But boy, you're gonna stand your ground

They rise to you, you blow them down.

Let me see you stand your ground

They rise to you, you blow them down."



I think they're pretty big in America, but no so much over here. At least not that I know of.



Edit: Can one of the kind mods change the title to the right spelling please? Mega fail.

Edited by Mr_Odwin
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I love them. Was introduced to them a little while ago when jayseven referred to them as the Novemberists. Shorty corrected him, and now here I am with a thousand or so listens scrobbled.


The Crane Wife is their finest album so far.

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Lol yah :P Shorty's been a fan a long time. Similar vein to Manchester Orchestra / Bright Eyes (in my mental association of bands shorty likes). used to listen to them a lot on my way to work and back last year but haven't in a good while!

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I got into them after the release of Hazards of Love which is one of my favourite albums.


Saw them live this year and they were outstanding, Mariners Revenge was great live as they got the crowd to scream when the whale eats them in the song :)

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