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The Alan Wake "sequel" (I've heard rumours that it will be a downloadable game based on the Night Springs TV show you saw in parts of it) hasn't got a publisher yet, so it could be multiformat, and there has been no mention of Too Human 2 for absolutely ages.


Yes, I would give Silicon Knights a wide berth. For all of their pretentious talk, they make a game once every million years and frankly have a company crippling business plan.


As for the conference, it was on par for me. For once I have managed to observe it in a relatively objective and non-judgemental way. I didn't get to see Sony's conference so I won't judge that but I thought MS came out and did what they needed to do. I'm particularly surprised at the delays to Gears 3 but I was happy to see that ME3 was looking tight but isn't anyone else getting bored of CoD? I couldn't give a shit about the opening to MS show... was bored!


Nintendo had a solid showing, giving us basically the expected stuff. Zelda 25th anniversary was a waste of time and E3 was not the place to do it. The showing for the 3DS was very good but predictable, with (as far as I'm aware) no new 3rd party IP being shown which upsets me a little. I'm interested in the Wii U but I think that they really fluffed it's presentation. I think they should have led with the 3rd parties and reassured people about the power and enticed them with that interview montage. THEN they could have shown the control possibilities.


I also think that their general angle on marketing the system is appalling as they are heading into consumer confusion again with this botched branding. It was hard enough at E3 convey that it was a new console but how are they going to do that with the public? The message is too complicated and the fact that they aren't answering the important questions makes it more so.


But by far the heroes of E3 for me were Ubisoft. Assassins Creed, GRFS with showcase controls for Kinect, GRO both on PC looking (very swish) and Wii U (another tech showcase), Killer Freaks AND Assassins Creed on Wii U. If that doesn't deserve some kudos then I don't know what does.

Posted (edited)

Nintendo showed the Woo earlier than they wanted IMO.


If most of the games run at 1080P, 60FPS, then I might be interested.


Btw I don't think the 3DS has much hope against the Vita.


Vita for market leader by 2013 (IMO of course, unless Nintendo has some secret plan).

Edited by The Lillster
The Alan Wake "sequel" (I've heard rumours that it will be a downloadable game based on the Night Springs TV show you saw in parts of it) hasn't got a publisher yet, so it could be multiformat, and there has been no mention of Too Human 2 for absolutely ages.


That was my point. They covered their three big, active and exclusive franchises. All the others are currently inactive, are vapourware or else have been abandoned by Microsoft due to a lack of success.

Posted (edited)

Microsoft have gone insane trying to win over the mainstream/families; it's quite sad. The only other thing they're doing is cramming awkward Eyetoy controls into "hardcore" games and pretending the pre-eyetoy speech recognition of TC's Endwar never existed. :nono:

I've always dreamed of building/modding a digital gun with my voice! [/sarcasm]



Nintendo was all about the future. I'm looking forward to the Wii U, and it's nice to see the rumours about it confirmed, but all in all they could have waited 'til next years E3 and they'd've had over half their announcements. They were so desperate for news that Smash Bros was announced; they could've waited a year or so and did what they did last time: "Surprise! Smash Bros!" and got a much better response; now we're all just waiting at each E3 for Smash Bros news.

3DS news was pretty low too: Only Zelda, Starfox and Icarus before Christmas; which would be alright if two of them weren't remakes. Luigi's Mansion sometime (early?) next year...

Hearing there's going to be a Pikmin 3 was probably the best news for me (fingers-crossed it's a Wii U launch title - and as good/better then the other two).



I'd say Sony "won", simply because they've something to offer without waiting a year; and the 3mote wasn't their main focus.


Maybe I'm just biased because I've yet to experience the PS3: there's plenty of software on there for me to experience properly.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
They were so desperate for news that Smash Bros was announced; they could've waited a year or so and did what they did last time: "Surprise! Smash Bros!" and got a much better response; now we're all just waiting at each E3 for Smash Bros news.

To be fair, the announcement of Brawl was terrible too. When Iwata announced that it would be released for the Wii and have an online mode, no one was more surprised than Sakurai. At least this time they'd talked to him beforehand, so it's moving in the right direction. Maybe the next Super Smash Bros. after this one will actually be in development before they announce it!

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