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Posted (edited)

Here is the complete list of Primary and Secondary weapons:




Assault Rifles







ACR 6.8





Sub Machine Guns








Light Machine Guns







Sniper Rifles

Barrett .50 CAL













MODEL 1887


Riot Shield





Machine Pistols







USP .45





Desert Eagle












Red Dot Sight


Grenade Launcher


Heartbeat Sensor

Hybrid Sight

Underbarrel Shotgun

Holographic Sight

Extended Magazines

Thermal Sight

Variable zoom scoop


Dual wield

Hamr Scope


The attachments I listed yesterday were for the assault rifles, this is the full list!


EDIT: Robert Bowling from IW talks about new stuff,



Things I've taken from the video:


- Specialist Package allows you EVERY perk at 8 kills

- Assault package chains, Support doesn't

- Killstreaks stack, allowing you to choose which one you wnat to bring out first

- Lots of customisation in private matches

- Juggernaut is armour. Support is about protecting your mates, Assault is about you killing

- Recon Drone is a remote control mini-helicopter why you tag your enemies for other team mates to kill


I think that's pretty much all the new info so far!


This is my opinion on what I've heard:


I really like the idea of increased specialisation. The new killstreak system is welcomed as playerscan play to their strengths, rather than everything being about simply racking up kills the supporting player can now achieve a lot more, this will promote greater team play and not leave the player who goes for objectives and does the leg work out of pocket to the guy who covers him and picks up more kills - both now compliment each other a lot more.


I like the idea of weapon proficienncy. You can use a different proficienncy for each weapon which is a good thing and your perks different altogether.


I think the new stacking system for streaks is excellent. How many time have you wanted to bring out your lesser streak rewards first because the airspace is already full? Now you can! That is a frustration in Black Ops and something that needed fixing.


The maps look good from what I've seen. They look more reminiscent of MW rather than MW2. I like that.


I really hate the idea of killstreaks chaining. It was a welcome move when Treyarch removed that. Infinity Ward are far too arrogant and seem intent on ignoring the innovations Treyarch have added to the franchise - most importantly the balance they brought in Black Ops. Killstreaks chaining was acceptable in MW and WAW as there was only 3 of them. In MW2 it made the game too chaotic and made it easy for people to live of the spoils of their killstreak rewards.


I think some of the killstreak rewards look overpowered - and sadly with the chaining being brought back they will be easy to get.


Overall, I'm very excited to see MW3 and am happy with what I've seen. But I'm ery disappointed to see IW re-introduce chaining killstreaks.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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I really hate the idea of killstreaks chaining.


I had a feeling killstreaks chaining would be back, I wonder though, with Treyarch doing the Wii version, could they get away with not including it?

As with them dropping it from Black Ops, its obviously something they aren't too fond of either.



This is what I think will be cut from the Wii version, surprisingly not as much as a I thought.


Support Strike Chains


4 Kills – UAV - In

5 Kills – Counter UAV - In

5 Kills – Ballistic Vests - In

5 Kills – Airdrop Trap - In

8 Kills – Sam Turret - In

10 Kills – Recon Drone - Maybe (similar controls and view as the RCXD)

12 Kills – Advanced UAV - In (Blackbird)

12 Kills – Remote Turret - Cut or changed from the HD versions, viewpoint etc (see video below for why)

12 Kills – Stealth Bomber - In

18 Kills – EMP - In

18 Kills – Juggernaught Recon Armour - In

18 Kills – Escort Airdrop - In


Assault Strike Chains


3 - UAV - In

4 - Care Package - In

5 - IMS - Not sure, looks cool though, video of it in action below

5 - Predator Missile - Cut

5 - Sentry Gun - In

6 - Precision Airstrike - In (Napalm)

7 - Attack Helicopter - In

9 - Strafe Gun - Modified (2 hellicopters instead of 5?)

9 - Little Bird Guard - In

9 - Reaper - Cut

10 - Assault Drone - Maybe (controls similar to RCXD)

12 - AC130 - Cut

12 - Pavelow - In

15 - Juggernaut - In

17 - Osprey Gunner - In but gunner is AI controlled.



Remote Turret




Assault Drone


This is what I think will be cut from the Wii version, surprisingly not as much as a I thought.


WOW, Mr Negative has gone all positive on us haha!


I'm slightly more positive though, here are my thoughts...


Support Strike Chains


4 Kills – UAV - 100% in

5 Kills – Counter UAV - 100% in

5 Kills – Ballistic Vests - 100% in

5 Kills – Airdrop Trap - 100% in

8 Kills – Sam Turret - 100% in

10 Kills – Recon Drone - I disagree with Lostmario here, I think this will be out. It gives you a remot controlled helicopter which could give you a view of the battlefield from above. However, if it doesn't hover too high or give too large a field of view it might be in. I'm calling this OUT for now.

12 Kills – Advanced UAV - 100% in

12 Kills – Remote Turret - I think this will be in. It's simply a view froma static turret. Yes, it allows you to see through nearby walls and put s a red sqaure around targets, but I think this should be in as the view isn't that far and it's not from above. For now I'll say I'm hopeful this will be IN

12 Kills – Stealth Bomber - 100% in

18 Kills – EMP - 100% in

18 Kills – Juggernaught Recon Armour - 100% in

18 Kills – Escort Airdrop - 100% in


So out of the 12 Support Strike Chains, I think one is definetely not going to be in, one should be in but may be cut, and 10 are definites.


Assault Strike Chains


3 - UAV - 100% in

4 - Care Package - 100% in

5 - IMS - This is essentially like a claymore that has four rounds and thus can go off four times. This is 100% in.

5 - Predator Missile - Cut as it shows a view of the entire battlefield from above!

5 - Sentry Gun - 100% in

6 - Precision Airstrike - 100% in

7 - Attack Helicopter - 100% in

9 - Strafe Gun - I think this will be in but as Lost said, it could be modified.

9 - Little Bird Guard - 100% in

9 - Reaper - Cut, this is basically like 5 predator missiles landing all over the map. I can't see this getting in.

10 - Assault Drone - I'm calling this IN. It's no different from the RCXD really expect it moves slower and shoots rather than explodes!

12 - AC130 - Even though this has been seen working on the Wii, I think it'll be cut.

12 - Pavelow - 100% in

15 - Juggernaut - 100% in

17 - Osprey Gunner - I think this will simply be cut. I can't see them modifying it, although full marks to the new Positive Lostmario for pointing out how they should modify it :)


So overall out of Assault Strike Chains I believe 10 will definitely make it with the possibility of at east one more appearing in some form.


I have also gained some new info about MW3 - there will be 80 levels per prestige now. Yes, I said EIGHTY as in EIGHT ZERO, that's a LOT of levels.

Posted (edited)

Not sure how this is going to work out. I doubt it will even come close to the regular versions, but I suppose they could do some interesting things with the motion controls if they put some hard work into it.

Edited by Derrick
Not sure how this is going to work out. I doubt it will even come close to the regular versions, but I suppose they could do some interesting things with the motion controls if they put some hard work into it.


Have you played any of the other CoD games on Wii?


They work extremely well. I had always been an Xbox360 CoD player until last year when I bought MWR on the cheap. Ever since then it's been the Wii versions all the way... pointer controls are just so much better than dual analogue!


Plus you can use the CCP with the Wii CoDs too if you prefer dual analogue (although those that do are clinically insane... eh Lostmario?)

Not sure how this is going to work out. I doubt it will even come close to the regular versions, but I suppose they could do some interesting things with the motion controls if they put some hard work into it.


Well, if you want to read reviews of Modern Warfare Reflex and Black Ops you can:


COD:MWR - http://www.n-europe.com/review.php?rid=499


COD:BO - http://www.n-europe.com/review.php?rid=545


This will give you a taste of what previous entires in the series were like on the Wii.


As this is the fifth game in the series to be released on the Wii - and all four previous titles have sold over a million copies - I think Treyarch (they develop all the Wii versions) will make a very good job of it.

Plus you can use the CCP with the Wii CoDs too if you prefer dual analogue (although those that do are clinically insane... eh Lostmario?)


I'm a one off, what can I say.


The clan needs me at the top of my game and I can only do that with a CCP in my hands.




I'm going to do it this week, but from one of the game stores in altrincham (the town where I live). I like the hustle, bustle and banter of the midnight buy so I'd rather not order from a site online.

Can someone explain this point streak, people talk about it but I see certain stuff given for kills not points?


Streak rewards are now given for gaining points, rather than simply kills. So instead of 7 kills getting you an Attack Chopper, you now get it for a certain number of points.


This means that people who go for objectives in games like Domination and Demolition will move further toward their rewards by capturing flags and performing other tasks.


However, I know what you mean, so far all the streaks are still set at levels based on kills, not on points. Maybe they're still working out exactly what points will be needed for what streak reward.


They disucussed this on Invisible Walls this week and said it made Domination more enjoyable for those risking their necks capturing the flags.


Ah cool. One of the reason I only play team deathmatch is because no one would cap flags and bases and just go for kills. Hopefully this will now change it.

Ah cool. One of the reason I only play team deathmatch is because no one would cap flags and bases and just go for kills. Hopefully this will now change it.


you play call of duty? Black Ops?


and heres some survival gameplay by a guy called TheSyndicateProject



I play it on the XBOX, I came in this thread since it's more lively than the one in other consoles and you guys seem to know your shit.


Yeah, Zechs is the man when it comes to getting all the info on the game. Once the game is out and I've hands on I'd then like to think I'm one of the strategists of the bunch and I'll become the "CoD encyclopaedia" as Zechs says.

I play it on the XBOX, I came in this thread since it's more lively than the one in other consoles and you guys seem to know your shit.


Thanks :)


I literally comb the internet for all the latest news - a lot of which applies to all versions.


I'm pleased you like the info, I think this thread has the most up to date lists of weapons, perks, attachments, camos, equipment, streaks and other bits and pieces on the internet!


I also try to find out all the juicy Wii specific stuff, although that seems a little thin on the ground at the mo!


Yeah, Zechs is the man when it comes to getting all the info on the game. Once the game is out and I've hands on I'd then like to think I'm one of the strategists of the bunch and I'll become the "CoD encyclopaedia" as Zechs says.


Thanks :)


Kav speaks the truth, as soon as the game is out he takes over and plans out the Clan's strategies for us. He's taken us from being a solid team to possibly the best on the Wii. Especially on Domination!


im probably buying it on the day it comes out or within the first week in game or something

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