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Trying to reinstall windows


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My PC was working fine today, then tonight I switch it on. It gets past the Windows XP screen then it gives a blank screen. The cursor appears, and I can fuck about with it.




So I think "Hmmm..." and decide to use that XP disc I bought, nothing. I restart, nothing. How are you meant to access this thing when your computer is on the fritz?

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Does it load the BIOS? I formatted mine through that last time...

I am not sure.

Use Safe modus, that's one of the things you can do, save your work, put that disc in the cd drive, and reformat you hdd,and install XP on it..

That is different to Safe mode I assume? I forgot to mention about safe mode, when I reset it because of it's abundance of doing fuck all it igives that choice of what to do(Safe mode + command prompt etc).


Running it in safe mode brings up the black screen except it says safe mode in each corner and something at the top.

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My PCs have always been a bit fiddly when trying to reinstall Windows. Your first call of port is to set the boot drive in your BIOS to the CD drive, then boot to the Windows disk. Another way is to create a boot disk on a floppy, and boot to it and format there (which u can't do unless you can access windows normally or in safe mode, which u can probably do on the PC ur using atm). Just stick in a floppy disk, right click it, select format and then format it as a MS DOS disk. You can then boot to that, again though the BIOS, and use the command /format c: to wipe ur drive. This didn't seem to work last time I tried, but has in the past. The best thing is to keep trying. Also, you can try to just reinstall windows without actually wiping you hard drive. It all depends on what option your install disk gives you. This laptop would refuse to format, but would on the same CD on another PC.

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I seem to have gotten it sorted, most essential shizzle installed. I think I've blocked something on Sygate which I shouldn't have, does anyone know how to unblock it?


It's not on the main thing but on the security logs.



yeah just use the application tab, find your app and uncheck the box,


oh yeah Symantec (Norton) own sygate now, so i suggest u do yourself a favor and change FW ( to kaspersky) cause the next vr of sygate will be practically bloat were

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