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Super Mario World (VC)


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If you had this on Wii, what's the Wii U upgrade price? Got like 500 or 1000 wii points that transferred to my wii u - can i buy this on the wii section, then upgrade/pay reduced on the wii u one?


@Rummy, lad.. pay the money for Super Mario World on Wii U as it will be totally worth it, without a doubt :yay:


I recommend you use your remaining Nintendo Points on something that you feel is unlikely to ever be released on the Wii U Virtual Console :smile:


What do you already have downloaded?

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Not much tbh, and I think it's probably only a NES worthy title I have points for(didn't think they'd transfer to my wii u y'see). As for Mario, I've got it already in both original SNES form, GBA form, and I'm reluctant despite how awesome it is to throw £5 at it again. Played it countless times too; just getting caught up in all this love of it, really! Miiverse interaction/screenies are a plus I guess, but yeah...I think I've just convinced myself I don't really need it again.

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No problem with that at all, @Rummy :heh: I probably won't be downloading it on my Wii U either as I have it on SNES and the Wii VC and that feels like plenty :hehe:


You could always get a few more Nintendo Points with your Club Nintendo codes if there's a particular game you may want..

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With all this talk of Super Metroid I too am considering downloading it (for the Wii), as I've never played it before.


However I only have Gamecube controllers to play it with, as with Super Mario World is it unplayable due to the placement of the buttons?


I hear you can alter the button config though, instead of B maybe Z would be a good choice for the dash?

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