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Sons of Anarchy


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Been catching this on FIVE USA and it makes me wonder how on Earth I've been missing this? It's absolutely awesome. It's basically The Sopranos on motorbikes! I've only seen two episodes of Season One and I'm already hooked, I can't wait for the next episode. Does anybody else watch this show? I've made this thread for everyone to talk about this amazing show (though please add spoilers if you've seen the other seasons or episodes, thanks).


I also need to add that the theme song is kick-ass and is now my new ringtone! :p

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I'm on season 3. Fallen behind a bit, though. Honestly don't care much for the Abel storyline. Is a decent enough show though. You know that Jacks is british? He was in the film Green Street. Such a different character!


I didn't know he was British and I didn't know he was in Green Street either, I love that movie as well. I did like Clay more than Jax until my dad spoiled a bit of his character and tells me what he does later on in the series and now I just think Clay's a bit of a bastard, pmsl. Right now, I'm not so keen on Jax, I'm just waiting for him to do more things really.


But as I said, people really need to see this show!

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  • 2 years later...

Watched it a while back and just waiting for new episodes to be added to Netflix. Loved what I've seen of it, although some of the writing was a bit suspect from what I remember. I seem to remember some bits just being dropped with no explanation. The character dialogue is well written though.

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