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Cataclysm: World of Warcraft


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Need to go to Dark Shore and get a boat over from harbour where the Night Elves are.


Its not there anymore. Anyway looks good. Graphics are the same though so I hope people dont moan about that too much. As long as the gameplay and engine are advanced that is more important.

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D'oh, shoulda known. I even seen the cinematic again earlier :heh:


Only other way will be from SW to get to Rut'theran Village, then take another boat over. Makes it a bit complicated for the Horde to get there.


Thats fine. I need to go there. Plus i can teach some human hunters the ropes.

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LOVE what they have done with the Barrens/Durotar! I have never played a Shaman past level 5 so I thought I start a Orc Shaman. EXCELLENT! is all I have to say...I love the quest flow, its just awesome! <3 <3 in love with WoW again <3

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Graaargh I'm gonna wait. I can't convince Mcoy despite having a free copy of the game, and I need 15gb or so to install the game which I just don't have. I have, however, spec'd myself a PC that will have ample space and specs to run WoW. I just won't have it until Februaryish. Only a few months to wait..

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Graaargh I'm gonna wait. I can't convince Mcoy despite having a free copy of the game, and I need 15gb or so to install the game which I just don't have. I have, however, spec'd myself a PC that will have ample space and specs to run WoW. I just won't have it until Februaryish. Only a few months to wait..


Get your butt into the shop, go get that computer NOAW! it's really good. :yay:

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So I resubbed, I shouldn't have but I did. I'll be on Vashj mostly.


Woop! You caved in like I did then? Totally worth it :heh:


Graaargh I'm gonna wait. I can't convince Mcoy despite having a free copy of the game, and I need 15gb or so to install the game which I just don't have. I have, however, spec'd myself a PC that will have ample space and specs to run WoW. I just won't have it until Februaryish. Only a few months to wait..


You should listen to Ms Wolf below. Silly February is way off, go get it now. Much better experience that way. No point waiting for the sake of it!


Made my Holy Cow yesterday. An hour got spent to make his name. I really wanted Lighthoof/Holyhoof but was already taken. Had to settle for Sacredhoof just now. I'll no doubt change my mind soon.

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I upgraded from vanilla to BC last night for £4. Tempted to grab wotlk too but I never got past level 50 anyway! Could be money down the toilet (towards a new pc :o)


I'll think about it. Could I run WoW off a 20gb flash usb hard drive? Because if I could, I would.

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I upgraded from vanilla to BC last night for £4. Tempted to grab wotlk too but I never got past level 50 anyway! Could be money down the toilet (towards a new pc :o)


I'll think about it. Could I run WoW off a 20gb flash usb hard drive? Because if I could, I would.


I'd be inclined to say yes it would work. Also at the price this is going for just now, i'd purchase WotLK too before it goes back up. Good offer they have, probably to get more swayed for Cataclysm.


As far as I'm aware you can, as long as it's plugged in everytime you run WoW.


Shadow - yes I caved, what's your battlenet


My battlenet is ThomsonV7 at hotmail dot co uk

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Ah boo, I mentioned that I could use refer a friend as I used it on my friend who quit a couple of months back and came back recently then realised it means Dyson setting up a new account. At least I assume anyway.


So I should mention that whoops.


I'll be adding a few people, I don't know everyone so it depends on how I feel :P.

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Blizzard have said that Cataclysm is going to be much more about raids than new levels- a good idea in my mind and with the new 1-60 revamp, there's more content than in any other expansion for more players.


Personally looking forward to not having to go through even more content mostly solo before hitting up the real co-op meat of the game.

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