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Cataclysm: World of Warcraft


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Nowadays I would say you'd be hard pushed to find any realm that's quite adult like. Unfortunately it is the way of these things, I find turning off chat channels and only having guild/pm channels on is the best way.


Battle.net works with everything, it's like the stage/program/website to sort everything in WoW now, you login with your battle.net account and you can make it more secure with authenticators etc. It's pretty neat. I love the battle.net chat system in game which means if you have someone's email you can add them (they have to accept, bit like msn) and you can chat across any realm or any game Blizzard owns that they have on battlenet :). It's good if like me you play on different realms to irl friends.

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So after a long break/hiatus I ended up starting this again with absolutely no pressure from people/friends :heh:


Went and done togc insanity run thingy on my resto Shammy when I started back. Was weird getting used to it all again. Had to heal first load couple of boxes add on free which was lawlworthy. Then got healbot working. So much better than it was before. Just over 2 weeks till Cata!

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So after a long break/hiatus I ended up starting this again with absolutely no pressure from people/friends :heh:


Went and done togc insanity run thingy on my resto Shammy when I started back. Was weird getting used to it all again. Had to heal first load couple of boxes add on free which was lawlworthy. Then got healbot working. So much better than it was before. Just over 2 weeks till Cata!


What realm are you on these days? Is nocturnal still running?

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I'm on Nordrassil just now, though I still haven't transferred the drood from AQ. He's stuck there lonely and cold.


Nocturnal disbanded in the start of August I think it was. Charlie's PC broke and was off for a fair bit during the summer, was fine at first, but then some higher ups couldn't be bothered and it fell apart after a bit. Then we had folk getting gear and not showing up and wanted to do more than 10 mans.


Some of the regulars are in another guild now doing 25 man hcs. Had a semi meet back back in April.


If you're still on fire me your Real ID and i'll get you added.

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I'm on Nordrassil just now, though I still haven't transferred the drood from AQ. He's stuck there lonely and cold.


Nocturnal disbanded in the start of August I think it was. Charlie's PC broke and was off for a fair bit during the summer, was fine at first, but then some higher ups couldn't be bothered and it fell apart after a bit. Then we had folk getting gear and not showing up and wanted to do more than 10 mans.


Some of the regulars are in another guild now doing 25 man hcs. Had a semi meet back back in April.


If you're still on fire me your Real ID and i'll get you added.


Yeah I was thinking about resubbing tonight just because I'm bored. It's a shame my new guild on vashj went much the same way because of cata.


I'm glad I didn't hang around nocturnal much then.

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I ended up going resubbing cause there was a fair bit of stuff that was actually new and worth going on for with all the changes and the Shattering going on next week. Worth resubbing now I think.


The core of Nocturnal ended up staying together though. Was good joining in with all the banter again.

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Yeah, I just lost interest, sure it was fine, but I didn't particularly like the idea of being shoved into the drama (such as being told I had a side without even realising it.)


Such as it is, I want to resub but will probably start a new character, most likely alliance, if people are willing to play.

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Yeah, I just lost interest, sure it was fine, but I didn't particularly like the idea of being shoved into the drama (such as being told I had a side without even realising it.)


Such as it is, I want to resub but will probably start a new character, most likely alliance, if people are willing to play.


Stark and I just ended up ignoring that and did our own thing (and a couple others) when things got like that. Couldn't really be bothered with it. Wasn't there to argue or anything. You should totally resub to see what's going on and then make a new char on Wednesday/later :heh:


so is there a server that a few NE-ers are on?


Not sure if there's a single server where folk gather. I'd be fine making a character somewhere with other N-E folk. Even Alliance....


Yay Worgen!

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Yay, I Rogue tanked earlier. My Rogue-eqsue dreams have come true :D Thank you recuperate!


And if that wasn't enough, all that excess crit from the removal of armour penetration has left my with stupid amounts of it(around 60% unbuffed). And since his gear will be replaced shortly, not gonna lie, when I seen that I could add the likes of dodge and parry through reforging on the gear, was hella tempted to do so to continue my mad dreams. And with extra armour now and dodge from agi, it's destiny! :heh:


So gonna take on Arthas alone xD

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I think it goes through about 12-15 or something now (BC, WOTLK), with cataclysm on the way. Wahey.


We should try and get an NE squad together- paid transfer is expensive but it depends if any of us have high level toons we could group together. What's the situation?

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I have a couple at 80, but I won't be transferring any over anywhere from my main server where I play with friends/raid. I'll be making a side character on the N-E server and starting from level 1 to play around with and meet the others from here.


Also, you download Cataclysm now, without buying the digital copy so it'll all be installed come Dec 7th. All that's needed is the CD key. Go to WoW folder, WTF Folder, go to config.wtf, change account type from "LK" to "CT". Keeping the quotes in.

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Taking away the portals in Dalaran is just wank. And because I was doing Pilgrim achievements, I logged in the barrens yesterday. Big mistake, with the giant crack going through it.


Luckily done a ZG run on my rogue last night, can't believe they got rid of that raid. :(

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Yeah i'll miss ZG too. Dunno why they decided to just make it a questing zone.


The portals thing I like. Gives it more exploration/travelling instead of HS and portal everywhere. Especially for when Cata launches and we can just fly.


I logged out in Dala, then i'll blimp it back and see everything that happened. And bonus RP points for returning from defeating the LK :heh:

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