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MARVEL Mafia Game Thread


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Lol, that works too :p


I've been thinking about this more carefully, and Peeps is only a lead if ReZ is evil. I tend to always automatically suspect ReZ, hence that.


Anyway, it would be interesting to know what ReZ did to me, anyway. He's in Florida, so no dice.


And one more thing, the only person worth lynching so far is Dyson, because he hasn't posted since the game started. But I feel we need to look into the active players first.

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Nor me. Also, we have people doing stuff, but nobody coming forward with any info. What's Peeps been upto? We know he has a power, he can do something. Who was heroicjanitor targetting and why? Who might have roleblocked him. Questions questions questions, no answers!

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I think people are scared to give away any info in case they get killed by the mafia. Since there is a severe lack of any info coming from anywhere, it would make even the smallest piece of info given away a reason for the mafia to kill that person. We are all living in fear. Only if we all stand up together can we make a change. Saying that, I'm too scared :p, people might not follow through with me and then I get killed.

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The way this is it is impossible to figure out without working together, I think everyone has to pitch in and hope not to be killed. I'm a roleblocker, I roleblocked Rez on the first night and Jonnas on the second.

They say imitation is a highest form of flattery.

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My ReZ-Peeps connection is flimsy, really. Going by the facts that:


-Peeps targeted ReZ. When ReZ started scantily-clad-claiming, Peeps did not push the issue;

-Peeps is speaking less than usual, which suggests he's trying to lay low.


If Peeps is mafia, so is ReZ (because he would've pushed the issue on ReZ, try to make him look suspicious/worth investigating). Similarly, if ReZ is townie, so is Peeps, most likely.


However, if ReZ is mafia, this tells us nothing on Peeps, who may be an ignorant townie . By the same train of thought, if Peeps is a townie, anything he did with ReZ was random targeting.



Just my late night musings, nothing solid.

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See, without write-ups, it is absolutely necessary for people to come forward with info and hope for the best. Surely we have some protectors?


See if I die it's your fault. Surely we have some protectors? Well not if they kill me...

Edited by Diageo
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See, without write-ups, it is absolutely necessary for people to come forward with info and hope for the best. Surely we have some protectors?


See if I die it's your fault. Surely we have some protectors? Well not if they kill me...


Damn double posts... damn forum.

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Well I suppose I see your point there Jonnas. I usually jump on any info I can get but I didn't see anything more than a joke with Rez's post. He was basically just saying he's a nudey lady marvel character I think?


Also, heroicjanitor did you say you roleblocked rez on the first night? Because he seems to think he targeted dannyboy with no problems.

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Also if the other protector keeps himself secret, how am I meant to protect him?

I don't think he should come forward though, then the town is truly fucked.


Well I suppose I see your point there Jonnas. I usually jump on any info I can get but I didn't see anything more than a joke with Rez's post. He was basically just saying he's a nudey lady marvel character I think?


Also, heroicjanitor did you say you roleblocked rez on the first night? Because he seems to think he targeted dannyboy with no problems.


The Peeps is right, one of you is lying!

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Also if the other protector keeps himself secret, how am I meant to protect him?

I don't think he should come forward though, then the town is truly fucked.


Oh yeah so it's not the cheap gamebreaker I thought it was for a second :p


Also, heroicjanitor did you say you roleblocked rez on the first night? Because he seems to think he targeted dannyboy with no problems.


I did roleblock him.


But he wouldn't get a pm saying he was roleblocked would he? If he tried to roleblock dannyboy he would have been stopped by me I think.

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Oh yeah so it's not the cheap gamebreaker I thought it was for a second :p

Also it's protect from kills on one night, and protect from silence the next. So I can't protect every night from kills.

I did roleblock him.


But he wouldn't get a pm saying he was roleblocked would he? If he tried to roleblock dannyboy he would have been stopped by me I think.


I think this might be the lead we were looking for.

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