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New Wii Remote


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I'm not fuming that I brought the motion plus add on, if anything I prefer the remote that way, its better for my large, monkey hands to grasp. Do I regret getting Motion Plus in the first place though? Erm, yes. I got it with Wii Sports Resort and was blown away, not only by the game but the new possibilities and assumed that loads of new Motion Plus games would be announced pretty soon.

It's a year later and nothing note worthy (in my opinion) has used it, other than Red Steel which isn't my kind of game anyway. Hopefully after the release of Zelda more developers will be inclined to use the tech

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Didn't Nintendo talk about this like when the WM+ was announced?


And Nintendo are probably going to still be manufacturing Wiis in 5+ years, so it feels strange to have these little dongles compulsory to play many games.


I think that six months from now, the Wiimote+ will be the default controller that'll be sold with all new Wiis.


You're totally right. Plus, we could be seeing a new bundle soon with the new Wiimote and a motion plus game included, maybe new colours soon too. I reckon they'll do a pink one for sure, girls love pink, and they love Wii too!

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I'd care, but I think the only thing I touch my Wii for these days is Brawl when friends come round. Also when I slip turning my 360 on. I think I've just become disillusioned with this constant slight upgrade shit Nintendo pull all the time nowadays.

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I'd care, but I think the only thing I touch my Wii for these days is Brawl when friends come round. Also when I slip turning my 360 on. I think I've just become disillusioned with this constant slight upgrade shit Nintendo pull all the time nowadays.


I'm not disillusioned with M+ but I would be if Nintendo are intent on releasing Vitality sensor.


To be honest the slight upgrade stuff you say isn't just confided to just Nintendo.

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I think I've just become disillusioned with this constant slight upgrade shit Nintendo pull all the time nowadays.


Eh? Just sound like baseless Nintendo bashing to me.


Motion Plus is the only 'slight upgrade' Nintendo have made to usability of the console. Sure, they've offered loads of official peripherals this generation - more so than any other in their history. But lets be honest about this, both Sony and Microsoft have been offering regular 'slight upgrades' since day one of this generation - moreso than Nintendo; they've seen several hardware variations all with differing HDD size (some with different functionality, like PS3s 'Other OS' and PS2 backward compatibility), both have revised their standard controllers during this generation, revising console hardware and now adding Move and Kinect respectively. The NXE which enforced a new interface on consumer regardless of whether they wanted it (and some didn't).


Fancy taking off those Rose Tinted glasses now?

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I'm not disillusioned with M+ but I would be if Nintendo are intent on releasing Vitality sensor.


To be honest the slight upgrade stuff you say isn't just confided to just Nintendo.


Nintendo have been doing it for generations. Like all good things in the gaming industry, Nintendo did something then the others copied and did it better. Admittedly they did it with handhelds and it's a bit bigger in jumps compared to now;



GameBoy Pocket

Gameboy Colour


Gameboy Advance


GBA Micro









The latter of those lists annoyed/annoys me the most, due to the relatively small timescale between releases. The earlier lists had more time between iirc. I get scared to buy any Nintendo hardware for fear it'll be outdated within a year or two.


Eh? Just sound like baseless Nintendo bashing to me.




Fancy taking off those Rose Tinted glasses now?



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Would it have hurt to do this when they released motion plus?


The tech is smaller now.


Andriasang = WiiMote Plus

Nintendo made brief mention of the new Wiimote Plus controller during last week's Nintendo Conference event. Today came the product's formal announcement via the Nintendo official site


Wiimote Plus, fully "Wii Remocon Plus" combines a Wiimote with the Wii Motion Plus attachment. The resulting controller is the same size as a standard Wiimote.


Nintendo will release Wiimote Plus on November 11, priced at ¥3,800. This is the same price as the current Wiimote on its own.


The device will be available in Shiro (white), Kuro (black), Ao (blue), Pink (pink) and Aka (red) variations.



Also starting on 11/11, Nintendo will be replacing the Wii pack-in controller with Wiimote Plus.


Nintendo will also release a red colored Nunchuck controller on 11/11. This will be priced ¥1,800, the same as the black and white Nunchuck devices.



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Fixed it. 3DS doesn't belong there.


Why is there reason to be scared from updated hardware just with Nintendo? I honestly don't see any big manufacturer that doesn't release updates as least as frequent as Nintendo. Actually, any upgrades from Nintendo I know of, have a far more subtle effect on their product landscape than updates I see elsewhere. At the end of a handheld or console generation, the early hardware still has the same core functionality as the later hardware and anything big, that is released later in the life cycle, runs on the early hardware, too. The only required upgrades for home consoles I can think of, are the expansion pack and the M+. Both were conveniently bundled with games that require them and are dirt cheap in comparison to what you see elsewhere.


I very much doubt that Nintendo would've not included the gyro sensors of the M+ in the original Wiimote, if they had considered it a feasible option at that time. Their early Wiimote trailer's were as much a marketing lie, as that Project Natal trailer Microsoft showed during last year's E3. It didn't hurt them terribly much, but players and developers realised rather quickly, that the Wiimote wasn't as capable, as the trailer would have had them believe.


Just releasing new M+ "enabled" Wiimotes would've meant making every existing Wiimote useless for any M+ games and asking people to shell out another 40 bucks for complete new ones. In that sense, yes it would've hurt, although the option would've been nice.

Edited by Burny
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I’m so going to get a black and a white wii remote plus, but I really hope 3rd (and not to forget 1st) party games are going to support it.


Developers would develop for the motion plus expensing because it was not included in the wii box, and that it was a peripheral.


Hope devs will see the light en use the motion plus tech in titles that would benefit from it (titles that needs precision, sword fighting, tennis you name it).

Its so stupid from developers to ditch motion plus support and in the end they need the extra precision that a standard wiimote just cant offer.


That Nintendo will phase out the old wii remote (every new wii will have a wiimote+ included), let believe that they see that the motion plus is getting lacklustre support.

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