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Oh yeah, I do like Tara's story and that scene was awesome to watch. Sam's and Terry's stories are cool to watch and, for the first time, I'm not really so interested in Sookie. Like I'm interested in what happens in the next episode but her character has become so average now. Tara, Sam and Terry FTW!


Another one that annoys me a little is Lafayette. Don't get me wrong, I want to know what happens next but his story is also average because of how it's being dealt. Just feels too...out-of-nowhereish.

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So this show is awesome, the acting ranges from alright to really fucking bad and I love it.

I really hope they finish terry's plot with terry being all 'ok now's my time kill me i deserve it' and the smoke monster (motherfucking smoke monster hells yeah!) is all like 'Ok, you've had enough suffering for what you did' and terry can be fixed and awesome and kickass. Also anyone else notice there hasn't been much shifting this season, it's as if they used all their vfx monies on the smoooke. Also needs more russell and vamp tripping.

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I think the funniest moment so far this season was in the season premiere when Sam told his girlfriend that you can't choose your family and that her daughter's grandmother wasn't half bad... after she'd planned to kill him earlier in the episode.


Russell Edgington's been completely wasted this season so far. :sad:


I liked how the whole mystery about who dug up Russell Edgington was a complete bust. But only five people (?) knew he was still alive! Who's the traitor? Oh, turns out it was someone who followed them. :indeed:


And it was (unintentionally?) hilarious watching Bill and Eric try to piece it all together and not noticing how suspicious that woman with the accent was acting. "So I'll just... erm... go pump some more silver into, um... Russell Edgington then, shall I? Alone. No one come with me." But who could the traitor be?!


Arlene's the worst wife ever and Holly's a terrible person. I thought Holly had convinced Arlene that maybe Terry wasn't crazy last week, but this week they decided that they're going to trick Terry into believing that he's safe? It's not like they don't know that supernatural beings exist! How about being a bit more supportive and a bit less condescending?


And Alcide sure got over Sookie fast! I mean, I assume Sookie removed Eric's glamoring, which means they went from nearly having sex in one episode to Alcide getting a werewolf girlfriend two episodes later. Also, Alcide was very protective of that human employee a few episodes ago, but now he's so busy with his stupid werewolf storyline that he hasn't even noticed that he's dead. Poor guy.


I'd actually like the male British fairy if he wasn't just there so the writers can introduce any new fairy magic they need to further their murder mystery plot (also, I'd really like it if he stopped dressing like a gay porn actor from the seventies). The fact that they're trying to solve two murders twenty odd years after they happened is pretty ridiculous, so I guess it's a good thing they have convenient fairy magic on their side!


Rant rant rant.

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To be fair, I think I only like Claude because he's got that whole British thing going on. It's not like he's done anything interesting yet.


I haven't read the books, but I hear they have an Elvis look-alike vampire. They really should introduce him on the show and give us some intentional comedy for once. :p

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To be fair, I think I only like Claude because he's got that whole British thing going on. It's not like he's done anything interesting yet.


I haven't read the books, but I hear they have an Elvis look-alike vampire. They really should introduce him on the show and give us some intentional comedy for once. :p


He's not a look-a-like



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I feel like even Russell "I met Jesus once" Edgington shouldn't be able to survive attacking a room filled with fairies. It would be like running into a room swinging a knife when everyone else has a gun.


I like how the Bill/Eric storyline has turned into a bad horror movie. I can't wait to see who dies next! :p


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I want Bill to die, it'd be good to have the excitement of omg main char death, and he'sturned into a right prick this season. Also, it's blindingly obvious Russell is gonna be about to kill sookie when warlow appears and says 'no' and russell dies (which is a shame because him and newlin are the best pair on the show)

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I agree with Twozzok about Beel.


At first I thought he was just pretending to be evil because he had a plan of some sort, but he'd have to be pretty deep undercover for that to still be the case!


He sucks as a good guy and he sucks as a villain, so I wouldn't miss him if he died.


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I've been waiting all season for Russell "3000 years old" Edgington to finally do something, and then he dies one minute into the episode. Talk about anticlimactic. :p


Jason pretending to be an action hero was kind of ridiculous. Worst vampire security force ever, by the way. All it takes is one guy with a gun to kill every vampire ever, apparently.


I hope the real Beel is gone forever.


Also, that was the worst gag ever early in the episode. "Ungag him", and they just pulled the gag straight down. Like that was going to do more than just muffle his voice slightly. [/gag snob]

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the Tv series has gone so far down hill the further its deviated from the books, lovable characters and thought out storylines have been cut in favour of excuses for more sex and reasons to include bill in the story line (since he becomes a minor character in the books)

the whole wican storyline from last series was such an abomination compared to the original in the book it was painful to watch by the end, and not having Jason become a were uhhh i don't even want to watch this series now as its going to be rubbish


They need to kill off Bill and get back towards the books storylines before it just descends into jersey Shore with vampires

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