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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Zechs Merquise

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Well done Nando, you're the millionth customer... Well near enough, VGChartz has just got this hitting the million sales mark. Maybe you were that customer. Either way, get the headset too and get online!


I don't imagine I'll be getting a headset but I'll take it online at some point :heh:


I started the campaign a couple of hours ago and played through the first section of it.. and was pretty underwhelmed :hmm: I hope it'll come good because Modern Warfare: Reflex was a decent game but it remains to be seen..

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I don't imagine I'll be getting a headset but I'll take it online at some point :heh:


I started the campaign a couple of hours ago and played through the first section of it.. and was pretty underwhelmed :hmm: I hope it'll come good because Modern Warfare: Reflex was a decent game but it remains to be seen..


The campaign is pants but the multiplayer is oh so good! Especially with your fellow N-E Clan members!

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I've been playing this a bit more in the last couple of days and I have to say.. the campaign has improved a lot :hehe:


With everyone saying how bad it was, I'm glad to see that it isn't actually "pants" :heh: I'm probably not that far away from the end of it now..

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I've been playing this a bit more in the last couple of days and I have to say.. the campaign has improved a lot :hehe:


With everyone saying how bad it was, I'm glad to see that it isn't actually "pants" :heh: I'm probably not that far away from the end of it now..


I liked the campaign more than WAW but less than MWR. I thought it was solid, just compared to Goldeneye it wasn't anywhere near as good.


The online is where the fun really so though. Player matches, Wager Matches, Combat Training and Zombies - there's so much in the game it's probably one of the best value for money games on the market. You can play those modes for literally hundreds of hours and not be bored!

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I finished the game not long after that post was made and, like you, preferred the Modern Warfare: Reflex campaign.. but I still enjoyed it, despite a very shaky start :hehe:


I haven't played World at War but may do some day if I see it for an unmissable price :heh:


As far as online goes, I feel like I'm gonna have to severely tweak my controls before I can play with any confidence. I have been extremely frustrated at times in Goldeneye and my brief online time with Black Ops where I have been in situations where I am in the perfect position to carry out a kill, sometimes even following an opponent without them knowing for a considerable distance, and feeling sold out by the aim being too erratic when I finally do try to perform the execution and they end up killing me :hmm:


I'll have to look into that..

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I finished the game not long after that post was made and, like you, preferred the Modern Warfare: Reflex campaign.. but I still enjoyed it, despite a very shaky start :hehe:


I haven't played World at War but may do some day if I see it for an unmissable price :heh:


As far as online goes, I feel like I'm gonna have to severely tweak my controls before I can play with any confidence. I have been extremely frustrated at times in Goldeneye and my brief online time with Black Ops where I have been in situations where I am in the perfect position to carry out a kill, sometimes even following an opponent without them knowing for a considerable distance, and feeling sold out by the aim being too erratic when I finally do try to perform the execution and they end up killing me :hmm:


I'll have to look into that..


There's several things that go into being a great FPS player online:


1) Core FPS skills. These are essential. Whatever game you're playing you need these. You can't skimp on them. Your core FPS skills are things like knowing to move around corners correctly, circling the map with your back to a wall so no one can sneak up on you, knowing when to use a grenade or when to use a gun, knowing to switch to your side arm rather than reloading as it's quicker etc. A good FPS palyer will be good on any new game and have a headstart.


2) Knowledge of the equipment. Know your gear and your set up. Research the perks, killstreaks and the equipment available. Make sure you equip the right stuff that plays to your strengths. If you want to be stealthy and evade the enemy, equip ghost. If you want to be up in their face and love SMGs it's got to be steady aim. Never try to eliminate a weapon's weakness, always try to boost its strengths. For example, if you use an SMG don't attach a scope to try and make it a rifle, add extra ammo or rapid fire so when you're in the middle of a gun fight you can down an enemy even quicker.


3) Map awareness. Knowing your surroundings gives you a massive edge on your opponent. Every map has its camp sites, its chocke points and it own flow. Make sure you know how a map flows and know which areas people will lock down and camp in. That way you are aware that when you're running into an area if you're likely to be safe or what direction threat is likely to come from.


All of these things come with time and practice. But with Black Ops the combat training gives you a safe area in which you can learn. I recommend finding your feet there. Once you can comfortably beat the bots on regular, you're ready for the real war!

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