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with miyamoto revealing that there is still one big secret to go, i would like to invite you all to discuss and speculate about that secret. also while i was laying awake last nite curious as to what this remarkable secret might be, i rememberd something that a fellow nintendo fan and friend had said to me about nintendos next generation console.


Now this was in no way an in-depth conversation, and it also took place before i had even seen or known the name of the revolution. but i do remember what he tried to explain to me.

It was either very early this year, or late last year that he was telling me about it, and it stuck in my memory because to be honest i thought it was completely unbelievable for NINTENDO to create something like this.

He told me that while trawling through the internet one day he had came across a video, i have no idea where this video is mind you nor have i ever viewed it myself, but he felt the need to tell me in coversation one day when we were just chatting because he knows i am a big nintendo fan.


Now what I'm about to say about this video u can take with a grain of salt, as i have only ever heard it from him and him only (not that he's known for being a bullshitter) and considering all the comments about games 'breaking out of the confines of normal T.V' i feel it necessary to share it with u.


Now he explained to me that in this video that he had viewed it had to people experimenting with a gaming device that is supposedly nintendo's. but it WAS still viewed on a T.V. The special thing was on the screen they were in control of what appeared to be a toy car, and they were driving it around an environment that looked exactly like the room that the people playing it were sitting in, it even had the players themselves on the screen.

now when they were controlling this toy car on the screen it acted as if it was in their environment, running into stacks of books that were in the room and at one point they drove it off a table and actually caught it just by putting their hand underneath the car as it fell.


So to try an simplify things becoz it hard to actually explain, imagine an eye-toy like device that filmed your room as you played and projected the image onto the T.V with depth and everything. say perhaps you were playing smash brothers and instead of the characters jumping round a stage, they were actually jumping round your living room! actually bouncing of book shelves and jumping off coffee tables that you had set up!


Now I know this idea is VERY VERY far fetched. but hey... with nintendo i dont know what the hell to expect, so i figure i would throw that one out there for discussion... what do u think?


'breaking out of the confines of normal T.V'


This statement is refering to play videogames without using a TV as we use it nowadays, that's what they are always talking about. However I still consider yours description a lot more realistic but still improbable....


Well if what they want to put the community speculate a litle more, they win once more....


Right now I think that so called "secret" will only be some minor upgrade or gimmick. Like you get a free download for every full price game or maybe Revolution will have a microphone/camera addon for the controller.


Ahhhh ur tlaking about that thing the french dude showed some peeps.. back in C-E this vid went down as a feature for Rev as well. where all he had was a little gray thing in his hand it turned into a flower and then from that he could control a car around a virtual course with good physics and the rest


Haha! I've done it!!!!!

Cracked Miyamoto's mystery I have!!!!


The secret is stereoscopic 3D visuals and the secret is in the DS. The Rev uses the DS as its screen. You open your DS, turn it on it's side and hold it against your face. Each eye faces a different screen so they can get reeeeeal 3D!!!


Hold a book up to your face. Imagine playing computer games like that.


I really hope its not something like that actually. 3d glasses will make me want to kill Nintendo. Unless its done properly... hmmmm.... it could work...


if it were the thing with controlling something around my room i would give up video games all together. that would be pants. i want adventure and fanatsy not doctor mario jumping around my room kicking pikachus ass.

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