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Saw II: N-Europe


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The room Adam went in was pitch black, he couldn’t see a thing. Feeling the blood of Nicholai on his shirt, he took it off. The blood was on his hands.

He shut the door and a fire lit up inside the room. There was a massive dirty boiler with a fire in front of Adam and in red writing, it said:







and on both sides were two coffin-like boxes which were covered up with a black cover. On the end of each coffin, there was a pipe that lead up to the boiler. He looked over to his left and started to walk, fearing of what he might see. He put out his trembling hand so he could reach for the cover and he ripped it off. A girl with her mouth clamped shut was unconscious. A metal brace was on her head. He ran to his right and ripped off the cover, a man lay there unconscious with his mouth also clamped shut by a brace. He could hear that same scary voice.


Hello Adam,


Who would have known you survived. I would have thought your guilt would have told you that you do not deserve to live. However, bare in mind, I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson just yet. In front of you are two people. You have played a very massive role in their lives, you had killed their father in cold blood today just so you can survive. Both of them can live but to proceed, one must die. You must figure out the riddle. One way, both survives. The other way, one dies. You have one chance so don’t waste it. You have sixty seconds.


Let the games begin!

Adam looked at the strange coffin and tried to break it, it was unbreakable though. He pushed the lid only to see a metal lock on it that he could not lift.

“FUCK!” he yelled and with that yell, the girl and boy woke up. They both looked at him and they started to panic. The clamp loosened up a little, enough for them to speak.

“Where am I?" the girl cried.

The boy looked over. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

“No time.” said Adam. “I have to get you kids out of here, there’s some sort of timer on this trap and it could kill you. Sorry to put it so blunt but I’m kind of in a rush.”

The girl started to cry as did the boy.





Adam, what will you do?:


A) Ask the girl (Slaggis) what the riddle might be (??? seconds)

B) Ask the boy (Mundi) what the riddle might be (??? seconds)

C) Answer the riddle yourself (15 seconds)

Edited by Animal
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Adam looked over to the boy and read out the riddle.

"What do you think that means?" he asked him.

The boy thought hard, trying to think of what it could be. "I don't know! Uh...Choose the left and say goodbye?"

Adam shrugged, trying to think whether this was the right thing or not. He looked back at the riddle.





Well, there's the boy's suggestion, what now?

A) Ask the girl (Slaggis) what the riddle might be (??? seconds)

B) Go with the boy's (Mundi) suggestion (15 seconds)

C) Answer the riddle yourself (15 seconds)

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"I'm going to turn the lever to the left!" said Adam looking at the boy.

"I hope, for all our sakes, you're right!" said the girl, scared and crying.

Adam reached for the lever and gripped it tight. He closed his eyes, hearing his heart beating fast, racing. He pulled the lever to the left and waited.



Nothing happened.



"We beat him!" cheered Adam.

"No shit, Sherlock! But how do we get out of here?" asked the boy.

Adam could hear a hissing noise like a gas leak...wait, a gas leak?



Flames exploded everywhere in the room, the two coffins stood where they were and the glass protected them from the fire. The girl screamed and the boy looked on with wide eyes. Adam's body flew in the air, across the room and hit the wall hard. He lay there unconcious and still on fire. The girl and boy still trapped in the box.

"We need to get out of here...NOW!" said the girl, crying.

"We will, somehow." promised the boy.

The glass boxes opened and then a door opened too. The girl and boy got out of the box.

"Are you hurt Stephanie?" asked the boy.

"I don't know?" said Stephanie confused. "Yeah, a little, what about you Brian?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just...can't believe he died because of me!" said Brian.

"This is not your fault, this situation is not your fault!" cried Stephanie.

Brian looked down. Stephanie looked at the door.

"We need to get out of here...maybe this is the way out!" suggested Stephanie.

Brian nodded and walked with Stephanie through to the new room.




Game Over Adam


Thank You For Playing and well done for getting this far. The next room is going to be a surprise... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brian and Stephanie looked in the room and saw a lump in the middle of the room and something on the wall. Brian and Stephanie looked at each other, puzzled.

"Wha-what is this?" Stephanie asked him, starting to cry. "Why are we here?"

Brian looked into her eyes "I'm not sure but I promise we'll get out."

He tried to smile but failed, this made Stephanie cry more.

"Let's focus on a way out!" he forced another smile and this time succeeded. "Let's get these things out of our heads first!"

He grabbed his brace and ripped it from under his mouth, he screamed but at least he knew it was out. He looked at Stephanie who nodded and opened her mouth and he ripped it out. She gave a high-pitched scream.

They both started to walk around the lump and in the light saw an unconscious girl with wires coming out of her arms and into a machine and a metal mask over her mouth which was strapped with a padlock. Beside her chair was a scalpel on a table.

"Alice?" asked Stephanie.

"Huh? You know her?" Brian looked at Stephanie.

She nodded. "A druggie."


A booming voice echoed the room. It was the creep.


Hello Stephanie, Hello Brian,


I didn't think that the both of you would survive, it looked like Adam had a heart after all. His game might be over but your game is just beginning. In front of you is a girl who abused herself and others with the use of drugs, mainly heroin. She does not have any compassion for those around her even though she can see it is doing them harm. She promised to quit drugs when her twelve-year-old son accidentally overdosed and was close to death. Unfortunately she didn't keep that promise.


Tonight, it is in your hands if she lives or dies. All on her body are tubes that are connected to a machine. Also in the mask is a deadly toxin that could be released at any moment for her to breathe in, she would die in a matter of seconds should you exceed the time limit. On the machine, there is three buttons.


L. O. D.


One button stops the machine, one button frees the toxin and one button frees both the toxin and the poison which will go through the wires and into her body, burning her insides. You have to make the choice of which is the correct button you want to press.


Will you free Alice from her wonderland or will you seal her fate to the Queen of Hearts.


Can you trust me? Live or Die, Make your choice.


And with that, the voice disappeared. Stephanie started to cry.

"I can't believe someone would do something like this!" she cried.

"I know but he'll be punished!" he assured Brian.

"No, not him, her!" she pointed at Alice. "That fucking bitch almost killed her son, she should stay here and rot!"

"But how would we get out then?" asked Brian. "We might have to press a button!"


So Stephanie and Brian, what button?


A) L

B) O

C) D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stephanie and Brian looked at the three buttons, wondering which one to press.

"What are we supposed to do? Isn't there any answer to this?" asked Stephanie.

Brian shook his head. "I think our way out of here would be based on guesswork."

"Then I want to press 'O'" said Stephanie straightaway.

Brian looked at her and agreed "O it is then." and Brian pressed it.

The machine made a very loud noise which sounded like it activated something.

"Oh shit!" said Stephanie, though Brian was unconvinced she really meant it.

The girl awoke and started to scream when yellow-green liquid ran from the machine and into her mouth. She tried to close her mouth to stop the liquid but the liquid burned through her flesh and made way inside her mouth. She started to scream and then it slowly stopped as her body started bleeding quickly.

Stephanie looked away and cried and hugged Brian. Brian responded and hugged her back.

"Who knew that button would kill her? Her fate was in our hands and we fucked it up..." Brian said in a quiet whisper.

Stephanie carried on crying.

Brian shoved her off in a polite way as they heard the door at the other end of the room click and swing open.

"Come on!" and they both entered the room.


Sorry Alice, looks like you'll be stuck in Wonderland for life...

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