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Okaaaay, need some help with my girlfriend's laptop that I broke.


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Damn there's a limit on the title thread length.


The title was meant to say, "Okaaaay, need some help with my girlfriend's laptop that I broke. That I might not fix and just buy a new one. Depending on the cost. Wow this thread title is long. Click on it!"


Anyway, the laptop is an Acer Aspire 5315, and it needs a new mobo and fan.


Let's not get into how I broke this, I already feel stupid enough.


So, is it hard to replace these things?


I've never looked at the insides of a laptop before.


Or - because the laptop is a piece of shit anyway and probably wants to be put out of its misery - should I buy a new netbook, which would probably be the same, power wise, and make that her birthday present (10 days away).


She only uses her laptop for internet browsing, Word and Powerpoint.


The only problem with that is with a smaller screen and no CD-drive she will think I'm taking the piss.




But she might be off to America for a few months soon, so something portable would do her fine.




Any thoughts my fellow Americans?

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I'm afraid you've answered all your questions by yourself. Everything you stated from Or is correct. Probably not being too helpful. But laptop parts aren't easy to get a hold of and normally cost more because of that fact. If its out of warranty Acer Esplex charge about £135 just to "look at it."

Edited by Ten10
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I'd like to say "bring it up subtly, point to one in a shop", but it's hard not to be suspicious when you broke the old one and her birthday is so close :heh:


Just think, you're counting not only the cost of what you would've been willing to pay for repairs, but also the cost of a birthday present together - if that makes any sense.

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Yeah definitely.


She will be slightly annoyed though.


Because since starting uni we've both had a deal of spending £40 on each other for birthdays.


So she'll be annoyed.




So, I've found this on PC World: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0085227825.1257520726@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdeadeikgmddjicflgceggdhhmdgmi.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=117575&category_oid=


I can't see much difference between this and the other, apart from the obvious refurbishment deal.


Plus I could get a carry case...

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