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The Worlds Fastest Broadband Connection

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I was about to blabber on about a load of things until I noticed it was a G and not an M.




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This makes me sad that im currently trying to sort out my 8mb connection from being 0.2mb haha. Sick.

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I'm struggling just to get my 8Mb connection to hit 1 meg. Currently stuck at 876kbps

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Yeah, great, now to find a 40Gb/s capable router/network card... oh wait, they don't exist. (or do they?)

Even if they do, that speed is faster than whan your HDD can take. I don't know what's the point of so much speed.

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I don't know what's the point of so much speed.


I'd imagine it would be quite beneficial for something like onlive.

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Damn, mah men BN already said everything, completely useless. OnLive really is the only thing to gain from this if, you know, our wireless and Ethernet connections weren't 1/40 of this.

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The point of this much bandwidth is as a simple demo, he's trying to demonstrate that his technology allows for a single line to carry that much data. If ISPs were actually installing this tech they'd likely split that 40Gb/s connection across your whole street or something rather than give it all to a single household. Still, it's not gonna happen. The lines might be able to carry that much data but the ISP's servers wouldn't be able to handle a lot of people with 1Gb/s+ connections, all ISPs would need to vastly upgrade their servers which would result in silly prices for the consumer.

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