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How do you know penguins?


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I can generally get along with people (besides chavs). But whatever social skills I used to have back when I was a kid I've lost. I was bullied so much as a kid that I basically lost the ability to tell who is a friend, and who isn't. And I'm only just starting to get those skills back now. At least I don't take crap from people anymore. But back to my first point, I'll generally end up talking to whoever I sit beside in school, and as a result, I'll generally end up with at least one person to talk to in a class (mostly the same people as I'm in the same classes as a few people), but I really can't tell if they're friends or not, unless they actually say something that suggests that they are.

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Are third nipples generally covered by 'personal shit'? Because if they are, then I know a lot about Haden that his family don't know.


As long as you don't reveal my xpert tactics you can say what you want!

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