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Pokemon Go-Karting


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In regards to the pokemon craze. Yes its died down. But more so, the cards and anime. If I remember back when I was in the 1st and 2nd grade, pokemon was huge, every kid watched every episode of the anime, and had hundreds of the cards (except me because my mom thought it was too violent for a 6 year old). But I don't remember very many people at all having the games. A few years latter I bought a used copy of red version for $15. The fad was over by then, but at that point, some people were playing the games, and by chance it happened to be my friends who were. I remember getting together almost every evening to play pokemon with my friends. I still remember being the first in the group to find the Missingno glitch. And I eventually bought Ruby and a bunch of the other games. But the Fad was defiantly gone, in-fact, most people would make fun of us because we still played pokemon. After FR/LG had been out for a while, people stopped playing them, and when D/P came out, most of the people I used to play Pokemon with weren't my friends anymore. But I still played and loved the games as did millions of other people. Some people actually re-discovered it last year and there were tons of people playing pokemon games during the last few days of school when the teachers didn't really care what we were doing.


You don't see kids sitting and playing pokemon at lunch break anymore (I wonder if all the schools who banned it because younger children were getting ripped off and parents were complaining still have those rules). People don't play with the cards anymore, and don't watch the anime, but they still play the games after all these years.

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'Pocket monsters' was the term coined just for the fact that the pokemon are stored in pocket-sized pokeballs. It does nothing to suggest Pokemon must be primarily portable in game form.


I meant the Pokemon buzz has died down from 10 years ago, as in it is not what it once was - but of course still popular, case in point: me.


And the fact that they can be stored in pocket-size pokeballs and can be taken with you anywhere, doesn't ring a bell when it comes to handheld games? Don't forget that Pokémon was first a game.

Well yeah, I just read that as "the buzz has died" :P It's still hugely popular though, at least the games, or else Diamond/Pearl wouldn't be the 3rd best selling generation.

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What does it matter what its due to. The original Pokemon games were big due to certain things...this expands it


And the fact that they can be stored in pocket-size pokeballs and can be taken with you anywhere, doesn't ring a bell when it comes to handheld games? Don't forget that Pokémon was first a game.

Well yeah, I just read that as "the buzz has died" :P It's still hugely popular though, at least the games, or else Diamond/Pearl wouldn't be the 3rd best selling generation.

Its the second, not the third last I checked

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The voices may be remastered to sound less digital and more modern, but I will personally go and burn down Monster Inc's office if they release a Pokémon game where Pikachu runs arround screaming "Pika choooo".


They USAF didn't make the SR71 drop nukes because it did in Heatseeker, now did they? Same applies here.

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You people realise that games such as Pokémon Snap, Pokémon Channel, Hey You Pikachu etc use the animé voices and not the sounds from the gameboy right?


Meh, Darkjak is the only one here that seems to be bothered by the anime voices. Most of us don't mind them (and even welcome them)

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The voices may be remastered to sound less digital and more modern, but I will personally go and burn down Monster Inc's office if they release a Pokémon game where Pikachu runs arround screaming "Pika choooo".


They USAF didn't make the SR71 drop nukes because it did in Heatseeker, now did they? Same applies here.


I don't know whether to LOL or just :blank: ...Is it that big of a deal really? Do you have a problem with Pokemon in Brawl sounding as they do in the anime? and would you prefer them to make those Gameboy screeches?

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You people realise that games such as Pokémon Snap, Pokémon Channel, Hey You Pikachu etc use the animé voices and not the sounds from the gameboy right?


Largely due to those games being largely marketed towards smaller children (although I've heard pokemon snap is supposed to be good).


If they could make the anime style voices sound more natural it would be fine, but as they are, they just seem rather weird.


Listen to some of the newer cries such as Raquaza's.

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Largely due to those games being largely marketed towards smaller children (although I've heard pokemon snap is supposed to be good).


If they could make the anime style voices sound more natural it would be fine, but as they are, they just seem rather weird.


Ok, maybe I understand what you mean here. But I think Charizard's (gyarados', Pidgeot, Onix, Arcanine and quiet a few others) vocals are very natural sounding. Not all Pokemon use their names for vocals.

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The voices may be remastered to sound less digital and more modern, but I will personally go and burn down Monster Inc's office if they release a Pokémon game where Pikachu runs arround screaming "Pika choooo".


They USAF didn't make the SR71 drop nukes because it did in Heatseeker, now did they? Same applies here.


I'll burn you down before you can do that.

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I think so many people who grew up with pokemon dream of immersive new games that let you experience a true pokemon world. If only developers would help us :(


*nods sadly*


But maybe Ninty and others will get more money out of multiple spin-offs and rehashs/sequels of the original game..?

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Ok, I've stayed away from this thread as I initially just lolled. Now it's gone loco and all serious thought I'd pop a point in...


Remember when you were young (yes, even you Hellfire...you were young once!)

There were franchises/comics/cartoons and games that you adored on TV. They were amazing. My favourite was Thundercats and Ducktales. Anyway...point was that these games looked shit compared to the cartoons but the cartoons somehow enhanced the games. Now, obviously graphics are at a point where they can even better the cartoon (Google Naruto on the PS3 for shits and giggles).


So my point? I'm sure you get it but yeah, I think watching the cartoon or playing the game with it's limit on imagination actually somehow enhances the experience. Your mind has to fill in the blanks. It's only as we get older we start wanting more. (We can't use our imaginations anymore or sommat?)


My 9yr old nephew adores Pokemon and watches the cartoon. I asked him if he wished Wii had a game where it was like the cartoon. He was well up for it. But said he wasn't bothered how it looks. He just wants to trade Pokemon and tell stories with his buddies. Hmmm.


I like a good counter-point now and then.

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...Its times like these when i just wail and whine like a baby; PLEASE Nintendo! Make it so! [/Patrick Stewart]...Not the Go-karting of course, but the adventure.


A Pokemon adventure in the style of Animal Crossing is so doable. With the main cyclic theme being around raising pokemon and battling them. And come on, you can't get bored of pokemon battles with all the choices of Pokemon on offer.

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...Its times like these when i just wail and whine like a baby; PLEASE Nintendo! Make it so! [/Patrick Stewart]...Not the Go-karting of course, but the adventure.


A Pokemon adventure in the style of Animal Crossing is so doable. With the main cyclic theme being around raising pokemon and battling them. And come on, you can't get bored of pokemon battles with all the choices of Pokemon on offer.


As long as you weren't confined to a village and could explore a normal sized (maybe slightly smaller) region. But I like your idea otherwise.

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As long as you weren't confined to a village and could explore a normal sized (maybe slightly smaller) region. But I like your idea otherwise.


Yeah, you uh feel me dawg. : peace:


A pokemon adventure doesn't need to compete on a graphical level, so i wouldn't mind the AC style chibi visuals. :( ...I want this so bad. I'd like to be optimistic and say Nintendo's omnious recent silence would mean they are going to unveil something BIG... But i do this to myself every year. :/

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