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Downloading Windows


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Ok, replaced my dead laptop HDD. Now I need to install windows on it, unfortunetly I've left my backup disc in uni and the fucker won't install windows. So I was wondering if its possible to download Windows Xp from a legit source, or an illegal one? I have the serial codes so I have bought it, just don't have the CD accessable.


Its either that or I'll have to install 98, or try Linux. I fucking hate computers at times.

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For Linux, try the latest Ubuntu or try to use the Windows driver using ndiswrapper (Google that). If your laptop uses Intel Centrino, its wireless should work out of the box with all new Linuxes.


You can't use Windows with the key you have now, I think. As part of Microsoft's anti-piracy actions, you can now install an illegal version of Windows and buy a key though, if I'm not mistaken. It should be possible in Vista, not sure about XP.

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I've tried about 5 solutions that I've read about and I can't get it to work at all..
Linux drivers suck bad tbh, it's not surprising.


What's the chip, and what distribution are you using?

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Actually meant your wireless chip, but seeing as it's a Turion (and therefore AMD platform), getting it to work is a bit more of a challenge I guess.


No experience with that. You might want to try OpenSUSE 11 instead. They use a more cutting edge Linux core which may include your drivers. I can't garantuee anything though.

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Probably going to give up on it to be fair, might keep it for the dual boot times. Will keep on lookig it it as I'll move over to Linux once it becomes a bit more n00b friendly for me! Cheers for yer help though.


Found a Compaq windows disc in my drawer.. will install that then remove all the third party shit they bundle in with it.. joy..

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Guest Jordan

You can download a copy of XP, the only thing you would be pirating normally would be the license, but since you already have that... its perfectly legal afaik.

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Ugh, on a side note, I broke my third Linux installation (OpenSUSE) beyond reasonable repair in an attempt to get my wireless working.


Linux nowadays is really n00b-friendly - I'm pretty certain zero-knowledge people could learn to use Ubuntu faster than Windows. But with the state of hardware support, and the things you have to hack to get all your gear running, it's really in no position to compete. It just doesn't "just work" with a lot of things.

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