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Look What You've Done


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It takes some bottle to let it all out like you have Ash, so mucho respect to you. There's plenty of people here who are willing to listen, so you're not alone in this.


I hope you and your family get through all this and come out smiling. :smile:

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y got to a forum if you hate all the people on it? it doesnt make sense? bunch a retards. LOL


They're all so annyoing. No one replies to threads, thewy jsut make their own to express thir points to get noticed. There are certqin people on there that bend right over, and stick their heads up their own arses sooo much. VIP awards, pile of shite. You get sony fanboys coming over, like around the psp came out sayin. HAHA nintendo r gonna die etc etc. Let's hop they've seen the sales figures anyway. There's also the fact that it is moderated by one man who is literally never on. Doesnt post or anything, yet he noticed when i had muy email in my sig. Sigs are just text added onto the end of messgaes.


Sorry about the off topic

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I'm hopeless in saying something in these situations. All I can say is that you're a totally switched on kinda guy, Ash, and you have my respect.


Oh, and I'd be ready to go postal if the coppers erased my computer. There's gotta be laws against destroying peoples info like that.

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