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x Box Live: Unreal Tournament 3


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I was thinking about getting this game for my PS3 but it looks very hard for a novice like me to get into. Looks amazing, just dunno if I'll be skilled enough to play online, seeing as it is online orientated right?

I'm pretty good at shooting games but this is quite different.

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Traitor!! :heh: I had the same worries to be honest. Unreal is known for it's lightning pace and i'm afraid there's no let up in this one. I was actually surprised it kept up the speed on consoles, especially online. I can't say how easy it'd be for a beginner as i've been playing it since the first one, I can imagine it'd be considerably harder than say Halo 3 or CoD4. Don't know why people complain so much about it not having mouse and keyboard support, I found the transition seamless. I guess i'm fortunate to be able to use both control styles.

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Agreed- the conversion to the 360 pad is fucking outstanding. I've been well impressed.

Less impressed by Midway dedicated servers- they seem shit.


Warzone is the nuts though. Fucking awesome stuff when you get a Darkwalker and just deathray everyone.

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So it's you that always gets the f**king darkwalker is it :heh:. Nah I don't mind it, what does annoy me are team mates that just piss off on their own little missions. All you hear is "Red/Blue core is vulnerable!". NO SHIT! I can't defend and attack! I prefer CTF or Deathmatch myself, facing worlds is teh shit!

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CTF is, on further investigation, clearly the best gametype. It's so mindbendingly intense when you have the flag, strafing like a madcunt across open ground with sniper tracers burning holes in the ground at your feet. Pure adrenaline :D

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CTF is, on further investigation, clearly the best gametype. It's so mindbendingly intense when you have the flag, strafing like a madcunt across open ground with sniper tracers burning holes in the ground at your feet. Pure adrenaline :D


That's definitely what I find addictive about this game. It gives you a 'rush'. Sounds stupid but I can always feel my heart beating insanely fast when i'm trying to escape with the flag, dodging shit all over the place :)

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I find I do that turn and shoot people before I know they're there too. It's like a sixth sense because it's always a direct hit. I think it's simply down to personal awesomeness and the fact i've been playing unreal for years :P. I'll add you at some point Dan because so far only one other person I know has the game and he doesn't have live :(

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I need someone to help me with the last level in act 2. Because im a dirty cheat and i know that u can do 90% of an act on casual and the last part on insane and still get the achievement. Its quite hard, warfare on delta (? maybe cant remember) best i can do with the opposing team having two less players is the second last node for a couple o' seconds. Please.

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