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It is? I always thought it was use for something like "That CD's label".


It's dual purpose in that case; there's so many irregularities within the English language!


Go back to Grammerland you big fat grammer nazis! I'll talk, write and spell however the hell I like! I do it when I talk, and I'll do it here too! *grammar


6) "It" is a pronoun and should not have an apostrophe when it's plural.

(And yes, I did get that right as I was using "it's" as a contraction of "it is")

Would this one be more the case that if 'It' was the pronoun, then 'It's' would be fine. I'm sure 'Its' is not a plural of the pronoun it, nor can there even be a plural of the pronoun 'It', you must simply use another pronoun. It's more the case 'Its' is actually a possessive pronoun in itself, like his, hers, theirs, ours, yours, none of which has an apostrophe(I've only used ones ending in s, as you can see), and I believe are seperate from their s-less counterparts(our, her, your etc).

2) "Another new feature in iPhone 3G"

Correct statement should be: "Another new feature in the iPhone 3G


I would say that. But that's because in my dialect the word "the" isn't really said it's implied.


For all southerners on TV: No we don't spit the letter T out every time the appears in a sentence.


Would this one be more the case that if 'It' was the pronoun, then 'It's' would be fine. I'm sure 'Its' is not a plural of the pronoun it, nor can there even be a plural of the pronoun 'It', you must simply use another pronoun. It's more the case 'Its' is actually a possessive pronoun in itself, like his, hers, theirs, ours, yours, none of which has an apostrophe(I've only used ones ending in s, as you can see), and I believe are seperate from their s-less counterparts(our, her, your etc).


Sometimes but occasionally the "its" in question refers to an equivalent of the s-less version of hers, yours etc. As in "on its own" which would be equal to "on her own" or "our" or "your" etc.

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