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N64 Week - Day 4: FIGHTING TOUGH!

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Tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, we shall we challenging the fighting genre on the N64.


So, this will include games like...Fighter's Destiny, Killer Instinct Gold, and more importantly, Super Smash Bros.


However, there are also a few other gems. I know for a fact that I'll be kicking arse to WWF No Mercy all day long.


Just try and stop me.


What will you be playing?

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WWF No Mercy was/is my favourite wrestling game of all time! Man the hours I sunk into the game, it was insane. So much better than Smackdown! This event is really making me wish that I still had my old N64. Bring on the WiiWare version even if we ominously haven't heard anything about it in ages.

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I've had more fun with the N64 over the last 72hrs than I've had for ages. The memories. The controller. The blur. The midi. The local 4-player tears and cheers. The awesome-ness.


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lol fighting games on the n64?


haha I literally think we just names them all.


mortal kombat 4 was better on the ps1

killer instinct gold wasn't good at all really compared to arcade and snes

smash bros was .......ok

no street fighter


just . . .bad really.

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Smash bros OK? KI not good? Get out of here, seriously.


I never bought WWF, I just rented it all the time and I had a fantastic time with it, me and my friends played it like mad. And I hate wrestling.

And Smash Bros... man, I was going crazy with anticipation, I could finally control Pikachu! Pikachu! It was pure bliss, seeing all those characters fighting each other, the completly liberating fighting mechanics, the ridiculous poses when you paused the game and of course, the commercial! Great times. Also, C-C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

(yes, I know it's up, that doesn't mean I can't post :P)

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Smash bros OK? KI not good? Get out of here, seriously.



ah so i see i made that post in this thread... im getting confused now which post i make where..


anyway... no gold isnt great REALLY failed to live up to the first one. The worst in the series anyway. But maybe the best serious fighter the 64 had... its between that and mk4 really. but mk4 was better on the ps1 and I hate saying that it;s the best on the 64 when another console had a better version of the same game.


and smash bros was original but doesnt play as well these days.. But i wont deny it was great but it was melee that really took the series off in my opinion.

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ah so i see i made that post in this thread... im getting confused now which post i make where..


anyway... no gold isnt great REALLY failed to live up to the first one. The worst in the series anyway. But maybe the best serious fighter the 64 had... its between that and mk4 really. but mk4 was better on the ps1 and I hate saying that it;s the best on the 64 when another console had a better version of the same game.


and smash bros was original but doesnt play as well these days.. But i wont deny it was great but it was melee that really took the series off in my opinion.


Um, you missed out fighter's destiny and I think that game had a sequel too.

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Fighter's Destiny had a sequel but, as far as I'm aware, it was not released over here (which I found a bit disappointing :hmm:)

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Um, you missed out fighter's destiny and I think that game had a sequel too.


i did but i never played it so I guess it could be excellent I don't know.

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