Retro_Link Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Not the best of translations, but Jeux-France is reporting: Quote New Prince off Persia Wii [Rumour] The rumours and rumours told the truth well: Prince off Persia will arrive of course Wii, without it being a simple adaptation of the new episode to come but rather a spin-off from this last. A new opus all in all, which gives much more pleasure to see that the majority of the titles announced on Wii&DS at the time of Ubidays. So apparently not a Wii adaptation of the 360/PS3 Prince of Persia title, but a spin-off [or new title continuing] from the last series of games? Though knowing Ubisoft it's probably a POP mini game collection!
Tellyn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Oh that's convenient timing Ubisoft. You haven't yet saved yourself, I refuse to buy this until you sort yourselves out. The attitude of that Ubisoft viral marketer on VGChartz (Ubisoft clearly prefer to develop good games on the 360/PS3 than Wii) is quite infuriating, this title is nothing more than an afterthought... a reaction to all the shit they've stirred up over the past few days.
D_prOdigy Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 :'( This doesn't even sound appealing. So are you actually not trying now, Ubisoft??? I can forgive Rival Swords: it was at launch, the popularity of Wii was all very quick, and you wanted to show some support early on. That's understandable. But now, from the sounds of it, they're clinging onto those times instead of moving forwards like they're doing with 360/PS3.
Tellyn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 No, they're not trying. This is to try and keep fans sweet.
david.dakota Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 killer kirby said: it had to be shown Are your sure thats not from Ubisoft's Wii Exclusive "Wii Shaft You"? I know exactly how the annonymous guy in black feels.
Gizmo Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 So now the PoP spin off, despite there being no info, screens, any idea of what gameplay will be like, is instantly them not trying? And I'm pretty sure this has been in development since before the whole explosion of hatred, so don't say its them trying to "keep fans sweet". And anyway, even if it was, isn't that what you want? You finally get a game and then you're moaning? If this does turn out to be a minigame compilation or any such bullshit is that I'll take it back. But hating it on before anything is known at all?
DomJcg Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 It's a cell shaded version of the prince of persia, next in the story etc But it's not coming to the wii =[ not ever Source = read edge sometime :P But they are doing a stand alone one thats not with the main story for the wii, dunno why..
Tellyn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Gizmo said: So now the PoP spin off, despite there being no info, screens, any idea of what gameplay will be like, is instantly them not trying? And I'm pretty sure this has been in development since before the whole explosion of hatred, so don't say its them trying to "keep fans sweet". And anyway, even if it was, isn't that what you want? You finally get a game and then you're moaning? If this does turn out to be a minigame compilation or any such bullshit is that I'll take it back. But hating it on before anything is known at all? Well considering last week they stated that there was no game in development, and they showed nothing at Ubidays, only after all the shit that's gone down over the past few days, I would say my statements are correct.
Gizmo Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Quote 1:00 PM on Sun May 4 2008By Owen Good
jammy2211 Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Tellyn said: Well considering last week they stated that there was no game in development, and they showed nothing at Ubidays, only after all the shit that's gone down over the past few days, I would say my statements are correct. Companies don't make decisions like the next project in one of their best selling franchises over the course of 3 days, and to suggest they'd do something like this because of the reaction to Ubidays is laughable. No doubt this PoP spin off will have been in the works for a while now, whether it's any good is anyone guess, but to suggest it's Ubisoft trying to make-amends for that babiez game is rediculous. You really think they care about what a few people on some forums have to say ?
Tellyn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Gizmo said: So over the course of less than a month, conveniently right after Ubisoft come under heavy fire from fans, they decide to announce said spin-off that they were 'considering'. Hmm.
jammy2211 Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Tellyn said: So over the course of less than a month, conveniently right after Ubisoft come under heavy fire from fans, they decide to announce said spin-off that they were 'considering'. Hmm. Ubisoft haven't announced it... Something like this would obviously have been planned in advance long before this month, just they're not going to announce it at the same time as the 360 / Ps3 / DS versions... And er, even if we do accept your logic, surely Ubisoft announcing a traditional game is exactly what people had been calling for? Surely this can't be perceived as a bad thing...
Gizmo Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Like jammy said, it's not been announced, it's a repost of the same rumour from a month ago. Only this time it's getting a different reaction because of the timing.
mcj metroid Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 SpaceDemented said: I get the strange feeling this game will be crap. strange feeling:)? its probably a port of the third prince of persia game..Or another port.. They tried to pass 2 thrones off as a new game sure with barely any improvment. I forget the names of the pop games.
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 This game will sink or swim depending on its graphics. Its a bit unfair, but it shows wether they make an effort or not.
Tellyn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 jammy2211 said: And er, even if we do accept your logic, surely Ubisoft announcing a traditional game is exactly what people had been calling for? Surely this can't be perceived as a bad thing... That remains to be seen. Gizmo said: Like jammy said, it's not been announced, it's a repost of the same rumour from a month ago. Only this time it's getting a different reaction because of the timing. It's a new rumour on Jeux-France, not a reposting.
Gizmo Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Tellyn said: It's a new rumour on Jeux-France, not a reposting. It's the same rumour that has been reported elsewhere, eg Kotaku as shown by my link, a month ago now being incorrectly posted on J-F as a new rumour. Satisfied?
Deathborn Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Gizmo said: It's the same rumour that has been reported elsewhere, eg Kotaku as shown by my link, a month ago now being incorrectly posted on J-F as a new rumour. No it's not and it came form here and not Kotaku:
pedrocasilva Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 This game wasn't in the works a month ago, and was said in a pretty insulting way for the Wii userbase too... "thinking" about it isn't good enough as "spin-off" doesn't cut it either, it's a disservice for the community. Specially when their "thinking about it" might evolve digging the old engine they had and recycle a new game out of it in time to launch alongside with their PoP next gen (this is ubisoft) who is in development for more than 2 and a half years now; the "Wii game? thinking about it, should be fast money like Rival Swords and all that". We had artwork for this prince of persia game leaked as far as 2006 (far cry instints wasn't out even, it was leaked alongside) and they're still thinking of doing a Wii PoP in 2008, two years have passed, they've even done their crappy "port" of the last game in the trilogy (considering all 3 games ran in the architecture already) got a new game and sold it for more than the whole trilogy was retailing for PS2. Even if they announced yesterday, that they decided they'll do the title, they don't even have the planning stages done (will they start monday?), let alone a game; which already put it in a much distant third priority project. it isn't being "held back" (and even if it was, it was only proof of how little effort and how far behind it was compared to their "core-title" we ain't getting... considering they didn't show it; which it isn't just yet, because it's not being done; yet). Ridiculous.
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