Guest Jordan Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Heavier... feels like you're holding something... has rumble.
Heaven Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Heavier... feels like you're holding something... has rumble. rumble? yay! when is it OUT?
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 2, 2008 Author Posted June 2, 2008 I don't see whats wrong with it really, my bro has a 360 and i have the ps3 and i don't have any trouble changing from one to the other. I just think your all a big bunch of moaners :P Moaner? I'm not complaining, I was just pointing out it's the worst of the 3, and therefore I preffer to play games on the 360. *ahem* I never made any mention of the 'noobsticks' as 'the Bard' referred to them. Admiteddly, when i talk about the ps3 pad, i am talking about the ps2 one which I played a fair few beat-em-ups on, and found far more useful and productive than when doing the same on the xbox. Dpads being the same? HELL NO! Im sorry but when i press left and my character jumps instead! No, just no. Same goes with pro evo, dpad all the way and the ps2/3 one owns the 360. The sticks on the ps2 pad I have never been a fan of. Preferred the n64 version and still do. The new shoulder buttons are abhorent but they are going back to the ps2 version so buy the time i get one, I will be satisfied as thats what I am used to. And doesn't the 360 have buttons placed similarly at the top of the pad just like the Dual shock, just little difference in size and placing? And I will repeat myself, I generally play my shooters on my pc. Nothing beats mouse and keyboard. EDIT: oh and I never really got to play in arcades so never got used to the sticks. Although I would have got to play on, what would have practically been my very own one if my friend didn't bottle it in a Virtua Fighter 4 competition but meh *still bitter* I'll agree that as far as D-Pads go, the ps3 wins. But it's not by a longshot as you proclame it... it's slightly better. But the only Beat'em'up I want is Virtua Fighter 5. And Tekken 6 when it comes out,but that's an exclusive, so... And also Soul Calibur 5, but I already chose Yoda over Vader a long time ago, so like that's gonna bother me. My point is, other than the D-Pad, the PS controller is worst in EVERYTHING. Even the standard buttons (I can't ever remember wich is Square and wich is circle when I pick up a new game on the ps2. What's wrong with A B X Y? There you go again... pretentious... just like nintendo with the DS) are slightly worst as they're not as easy to remind yourself of without looking. And let's be honest, most games rely on the Analog, not the D-Pad, I much preffer playing Devil May Cry 4, Resi 5, GTA IV, WHATEVER, with the 360 controller than the PS3's shitroller. Anywho, luckily for me, it seems like the PS3 won't have that much exclusive content that's actually worth my time, so, luckily for me, I won't be having to deal as much with the Dual Cock in this gen. As for FPS, it really depends... but yeah, PC = win. Unless you're talking about Splinter Cell, wich is only really half FPS and sucks on the pc (lack of analog ftw!), except when you're shooting. But let's be honest, how many shooters are there wich are both in ps3 and 360? COD4. That's about it. All the others are 360 exclusives, or PS3, like Resistance. So your point is never really valid, as it's not a matter of choice, because all the shooters are 360 based, it's not like you have to choose between 360 or PS3.
LegoMan1031 Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 rumble?yay! when is it OUT? Not got a release date over here yet. Although you could just get one now. I got a japanese one off ebay, same price as a normal ps3 pad here and works perfectly (and the writing on the controller is in english anyway).
Strider Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Not got a release date over here yet. Although you could just get one now. I got a japanese one off ebay, same price as a normal ps3 pad here and works perfectly (and the writing on the controller is in english anyway). Same price as two normal pads now. delivers once again. I'm going to go PC World this weekend to price match it + 10%. I don't think they're going to be very happy seeing as they charge £35 for one.
Deathjam Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Choze - Taking fanboyism too far. Roffle THe hell. Because he states his opinion about the Controller, he is a fanboy i.e. in love with sony (in this context)?! Moaner? I'm not complaining, I was just pointing out it's the worst of the 3, and therefore I preffer to play games on the 360. I'll agree that as far as D-Pads go, the ps3 wins. But it's not by a longshot as you proclame it... it's slightly better. But the only Beat'em'up I want is Virtua Fighter 5. And Tekken 6 when it comes out,but that's an exclusive, so... And also Soul Calibur 5, but I already chose Yoda over Vader a long time ago, so like that's gonna bother me. My point is, other than the D-Pad, the PS controller is worst in EVERYTHING. Even the standard buttons (I can't ever remember wich is Square and wich is circle when I pick up a new game on the ps2. What's wrong with A B X Y? There you go again... pretentious... just like nintendo with the DS) are slightly worst as they're not as easy to remind yourself of without looking. And let's be honest, most games rely on the Analog, not the D-Pad, I much preffer playing Devil May Cry 4, Resi 5, GTA IV, WHATEVER, with the 360 controller than the PS3's shitroller. Anywho, luckily for me, it seems like the PS3 won't have that much exclusive content that's actually worth my time, so, luckily for me, I won't be having to deal as much with the Dual Cock in this gen. As for FPS, it really depends... but yeah, PC = win. Unless you're talking about Splinter Cell, wich is only really half FPS and sucks on the pc (lack of analog ftw!), except when you're shooting. But let's be honest, how many shooters are there wich are both in ps3 and 360? COD4. That's about it. All the others are 360 exclusives, or PS3, like Resistance. So your point is never really valid, as it's not a matter of choice, because all the shooters are 360 based, it's not like you have to choose between 360 or PS3. As I said before, PC shooters only for me (damn that my PC needs an upgrade) so I am not sure what you are on about when you mention choosing between the machines and my point being moot, but a few shooters that are Multi-platform off the top of my head: Army Of Two Crysis (hopefully) Far Cry 2 Ghost Recon 2 Rainbow Six series Call of Duty 4 (as you mentioned) Quake Wars Brother's in Arms: Hell's Highway Im sure there is more but you get the idea so there you go.
Hellfire Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Dual Shock 3 has nicer analogue sticks than any other controller. Very smooth and silky. Tekken 5 DR Warhawk good multiplayer games. I was going to laugh, but then I saw it was Choze posting. Which in turn made laugh and cry. Weird.
The Bard Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 It's not really opinion though, it's like saying analogue sticks are better than Keyboard and Mouse for FPS. It's just not true. He can like them better, sure, but that's his inner fanboy talking (and this is Choze we're talking about). Nothing wrong with that. Just thought I'd point it out.
Deathjam Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 It's not really opinion though, it's like saying analogue sticks are better than Keyboard and Mouse for FPS. It's just not true. He can like them better, sure, but that's his inner fanboy talking (and this is Choze we're talking about). Nothing wrong with that. Just thought I'd point it out. Okay im missing out on a bit of history here so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. TBH i had problems with them sticks all the way back with the PS2. Never did like them and sadly they are still a bit dodgy.
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 3, 2008 Author Posted June 3, 2008 THe hell. Because he states his opinion about the Controller, he is a fanboy i.e. in love with sony (in this context)?! As I said before, PC shooters only for me (damn that my PC needs an upgrade) so I am not sure what you are on about when you mention choosing between the machines and my point being moot, but a few shooters that are Multi-platform off the top of my head: Army Of Two Crysis (hopefully) Far Cry 2 Ghost Recon 2 Rainbow Six series Call of Duty 4 (as you mentioned) Quake Wars Brother's in Arms: Hell's Highway Im sure there is more but you get the idea so there you go. The only one on that list that is out already and I care about is COD4. Crysis still isn't out, neither is Far Cry 2. As for the FPS argument, if you're gonna play them on the PC, it immediatly invalidates any point about the controller being better or not. That's what I meant. Anywho, my whole point is, unless you're really in love with beat'em'ups and play nothing else, 360 controller > ps3 controller. Any given day.
Hellfire Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Not if said beatmups are in 2D and you don't have an arcade stick, because 360's d-pad is horrible. PS1/2/3 d-pad kinda makes my fingers bleed too, so...
The Bard Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Yeah, but you would never play a 2D beat em up without an arcade is n00b. I think I've made my point, so I'll stop saying it now
Deathjam Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 Yeah, but you would never play a 2D beat em up without an arcade is n00b. I think I've made my point, so I'll stop saying it now Don't neede an arcade stick to be good at beat em ups. Just need thumbs with caluses at the ready from overuse of the d-pad on your preferred controller. Anyways, I love beat-em-ups but I never have the perseverance to take it to what is required to be tournament worthy (well the 2d ones, 3d ones seem to me to be easier to master, although i must admit, it was getting to the point with virtua fighter 4 where i was told i would need a stick to be truly great ). And even though I play shooters on my PC, I still use my ps2 pad on my PC via a handy converter.
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 4, 2008 Author Posted June 4, 2008 Not if said beatmups are in 2D and you don't have an arcade stick, because 360's d-pad is horrible. PS1/2/3 d-pad kinda makes my fingers bleed too, so... I actually like the PS d-pad. As far as home consoles go, it's the best out there. As for all current generation gaming platforms, DS Phat d-pad owns all. Unfortunately, the lite is just so much pleasent. :indeed: Yeah, but you would never play a 2D beat em up without an arcade is n00b. I think I've made my point, so I'll stop saying it now I don't like arcade sticks, they don't work for me. I can't get the characters to be where I want them to be. Seriously, it annoys me, I can't get anything done with a stick, combo-wise. Anywho, I stopped caring about n00bage and "getting really good at it" for a while now. The moment I stop having fun, I just stop and go do something more constructive, because that's what videogames are about, for me, fun. So, if the fun stops, I stop playing. Much like constantly eating the same food, at a certain point, I just wasn't having fun with it anymore. I guess this applies to all games eventually. There's no game I can continuously play and always be at my maximum of enjoyment. I just play several and ocasionally visit old friends. Like F-Zero GX, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Resident Evil 4, wich are probably the trio I visit the most.
The Bard Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 Don't neede an arcade stick to be good at beat em ups. Just need thumbs with caluses at the ready from overuse of the d-pad on your preferred controller. Anyways, I love beat-em-ups but I never have the perseverance to take it to what is required to be tournament worthy (well the 2d ones, 3d ones seem to me to be easier to master, although i must admit, it was getting to the point with virtua fighter 4 where i was told i would need a stick to be truly great ). And even though I play shooters on my PC, I still use my ps2 pad on my PC via a handy converter. Yes, well, you will get dumped on if you try to play tournament level in any 2D fighter (and most 3D fighters) without an arcade stick. The speed with which you need to do quarter turns to do...say, Ken's Low Medium Kick cancelled into medium shoryuken cancelled into jinrai super, you need to pull off a clockwise quarter turn (into low kick) followed by an anticlockwise turn (into medium or fierce shoryuken) and another anticlockwise turn (into jinrai) in slightly over 1 second, while at the same time pressing the correct buttons. Techniques like this are thoroughly impossible in competitive play without an arcade stick. Virtua Fighter 5's move list for pretty much any character is impossible to master without an arcade stick. Etc Etc. It takes quite a lot of practice to get accustomed to using them, but it's more than worth it. To be honest though, the only fighter I can still play very competitively is SF3: 3rd Strike, but that's a game that I can and will never get bored of. If you have friends who are a challenge to you, good fighters never lose their fun.
Deathjam Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 Yes, well, you will get dumped on if you try to play tournament level in any 2D fighter (and most 3D fighters) without an arcade stick. The speed with which you need to do quarter turns to do...say, Ken's Low Medium Kick cancelled into medium shoryuken cancelled into jinrai super, you need to pull off a clockwise quarter turn (into low kick) followed by an anticlockwise turn (into medium or fierce shoryuken) and another anticlockwise turn (into jinrai) in slightly over 1 second, while at the same time pressing the correct buttons. Techniques like this are thoroughly impossible in competitive play without an arcade stick. Virtua Fighter 5's move list for pretty much any character is impossible to master without an arcade stick. Etc Etc. It takes quite a lot of practice to get accustomed to using them, but it's more than worth it. To be honest though, the only fighter I can still play very competitively is SF3: 3rd Strike, but that's a game that I can and will never get bored of. If you have friends who are a challenge to you, good fighters never lose their fun. Yeah uni kinda spoiled all that but now that its over, im hoping to pick some new fighters and get my mates to offer me a constant source of challenge again. It was the constant struggle to be the best out of us lot that made us improve and i miss that EDIT: and omg the burn i would get after playing SF3 on the dreamcast for too long. Damn, I wasn't even all that! Got better at it when I got the arcade version for my pc! May, just may, get it for the xbox (old) but i need to find those ps2 pads to xbox converters.
flameboy Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 Yeah its true about fighters I plan on getting a hori stick for streetfighter 4 and soul calibur... this year is so good for fighters. I am not a fan of virtua fighter but used to play streetfighter 2 and the first 2 soul caliburs a lot so cannot wait to get back together with some old friends.
LegoMan1031 Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 Same price as two normal pads now. delivers once again. I'm going to go PC World this weekend to price match it + 10%. I don't think they're going to be very happy seeing as they charge £35 for one. lol, they prob wont be happy with that, oh well! I got no need for another 2 PS3 pads, good price there though. I'm happy with my DS3 though
Esequiel Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I miss the 360 controller. Feels so nice, feels weighty and comfortable in your hands. The sixaxis is a terrible controller and i never liked the analouge sticks on them even in the Dual shock PS2 days. Saying that i dont have much choice because i only have a PS3 and Wii >.>
Ramar Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I wish Sony kept that Boomerang pad, it was truly awesome.
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